Meets July 11--15 in Murray Hall 212 or 211 (alternating on different days)
let xs …
not let ys …
, and in the derivation at the end of the handout (the assignment that x
is evaluated wrt in the top right should be g {x
↦ len m}, not just g). These are all fixed in the pdf linked from NYU grad seminar. This has expanded presentations of much of this material.
Github repository for ESSLLI 2015 course taught by CB and Dylan Bumford
On Wednesday, we'll be discussing Groenendijk, Stokhof, and Veltman, "Coreference and Modality" (1996), which is a canonical paper in the dynamic semantics tradition, unifying G&S's 1991 DPL treatment of pronominal anaphora with Veltman's 1990/1996 treatment of epistemic modals.
On Thursday, we'll be introducing you to monads, and giving some examples of using them in semantics for natural language.
For more on monads, see Philip Wadler, "The essence of functional programming" (1992). Some other useful papers of his are "Comprehending Monads" (1992) or "Monads for Functional Programming" (1992/1995).
Here are some links to other expositions of monads.
Ken Shan, "Monads for natural language semantics" (2001) uses a Reader monad to implement intensionality.
Gilad Ben-Avi and Yoad Winter, "A modular approach to intensionality" (2007) reinvent the technique.
For more recent work in this tradition, see Gianluca Giorgolo and Ash Asudeh, "Monads as a Solution for Generalized Opacity" (2014) and "Perspectives" (2016). Here is a summary of some of that work (and other work of theirs using monads).