Phil 455: Notes for Mon Apr 18


Soundness can be expressed as:

Completeness can be expressed as:

Compactness for classical first-order predicate logic (FOL), with or without functors or equality, can be expressed as:

Goldrei discusses Completeness and Compactness in §3.2 (for sentential logic) and §5.5 (for predicate logic). In both cases his proofs assume the language is countable. Completeness and Compactness also hold for “uncountable languages,” that is languages with uncountably many non-logical symbols so that the sets Γ and Σ may be uncountable. But proving these theorems for such languages is harder. (See Goldrei §6.4.)

Goldrei’s proof in §5.5 temporarily assumes that the = symbol is interpreted so as to respect the appropriate axioms, but not necessarily by the relation of numerical identity. See §5.4 for more discussion of this.

Although Goldrei defines so as to hold between arbitrary formulas, not just closed formulas/sentences (p. 188), the Completeness proof he gives is only for entailments between sentences. Lifting this restriction makes the proof harder.


Löwenheim-Skolem theorems for FOL with equality

It’s provable that any theory that has models of arbitrarily large finite size also has infinite models (see Goldrei pp. 197–8 and 276), so the Upward L-S theorem would apply to such theories.

The L-S theorems have some counter-intuitive consequences:

Overloaded Terminology


Language(s) of arithmetic:

Here are a collection of axioms/axiom schemas. Different “theories of arithmetic” each include a subset of these. In the strongest such theories, the others listed here then follow as theorems; in other theories they don’t.

Generally, the axioms should be understood as prefixing the following with a ∀x for each free variable x in the formula. For one theory we’ll discuss, they’ll be understood differently.

These first three groups are like recursive definitions of +, , and .

A1. (x + Z) = x A2. (x + Sy) = S(x + y)

M1. (x ⋅ Z) = Z M2. (x ⋅ Sy) = ((x ⋅ y) + x)

E1. (x ↑ Z) = SZ E2. (x ↑ Sy) = ((x ↑ y) ⋅ x)

Any theory whose language includes S will have these axioms:

S1. Sx = Sy ⊃ x = y (S is injective) S2. Sx ≠ Z (Z has no predecessor)

(Additionally, it’s implicit in the functor notation that everything has a unique successor.)

After that, things are more mixed. The prefixes of the following axioms indicate which theories include them.

R3. x ≠ Z ⊃ ∃y Sy = x R4. x < y ⊂⊃ ∃z (Sz + x) = y (sometimes this is used as a defintion of < rather than an axiom)

H/B3. ~(x < Z) (Z is minimal for <) H/B4. y < Sx ⊂⊃ (y = x ∨ y < x) H5. (x < y ∨ x = y ∨ y < x) (< is weakly connected)

B5. x ≠ Z ⊂⊃ Z < x B6. Sx < y ⊂⊃ (x < y ∧ Sx ≠ y)

First-order Induction schema: (φ[x ← Z] ∧ ∀x(φ ⊃ φ[x ← Sx])) ⊃ ∀xφ

Second-order Induction: ∀F((FZ ∧ ∀x(Fx ⊃ FSx) ⊃ ∀xF)

Here are the theories of interest. The “strongest” arithmetics (ones with the most theorems) are called “Peano Arithmetic” (though they’re also following the work of Dedekind).


We’ll discuss Gödel’s results in remaining classes. Before we get to them…

Non-standard models of arithmetic

Second-order Peano Arithmetic is categorical (has only one model, up to isomorphism).

Upward L-S tells us that any first-order theory with an infinite model also has models with larger domains, and so isn’t categorical. In particular, any of the first-order arithmetic theories described above also have models with domains larger than .

Compactness can be used to show that those arithmetic theories will even have countable non-standard models. These models have domains the same size as , but they aren’t isomorphic to the standard interpretations of <, +, , and so on.

If time permits, will describe the general shape of these models.

Here is the proof from Compactness: Extend the language of PA with a new constant c and consider the theory which is PA extended with the infinite set of axioms Z < c, SZ < c, SSZ < c, … Any finite subset of this theory’s axioms would be satisfied by a standard model of arithmetic that interpreted c as a number larger than any mentioned in that subset. By Compactness, then the whole set of axioms must be satisfiable. But in any model that satisfies all the axioms, c cannot be interpreted as any of the standard numbers. It must be some “non-standard” number larger than all of them (and so too c’s predecessor and successor, and their predecessor and successor, and so on). Since any model of this language and axioms will also be a model of the subset of the axioms that don’t contain the new constant c, which are just the axioms of PA, the model with these non-standard larger numbers must also be models of PA.