Phil 455: Homework 2 (on Sets and Functions)

Since this homework was posted late, it won’t be due until the end of the day (11:59 pm) on Friday.

  1. Let T1 be a set, and let:

    T2 = {T1}

    T3 = {{T1}}

    T4 = {T1, {T1}}


    1. What is T2 ∩ T4?
    2. Which of T1 through T4 are members of T4?
    1. Which of T1 through T4 are subsets of T4?
  2. For each of the following, true or false?

    1. If a ∈ A and A ⊆ B then a ∈ B.
    2. If A ⊆ B and B ⊆ Γ then A ⊆ Γ.
    1. a ∈ A iff {a} ⊆ A.
    2. a ∈ A and b ∈ A iff {a,b} ⊆ A.
    1. If A ⊆ B and B ⊆ A then A = B.
  3. Let A = {"a","b","c"}, Γ = {"c","d"}, and Δ = {"d","e","f"}. Then:

    1. List 𝟚A (the powerset of A).
    2. What is A ∪ Γ?
    1. What is Γ ∪ ∅?
    2. What is A ∩ Γ?
    1. What is A – Γ?
    2. What is A ∪ (Γ ∩ Δ)?
    3. What is A ∩ (Γ ∩ Δ)?
  4. Is it always true that (A ∩ B) ∪ C = A ∩ (B ∪ C)? Justify your answer.

  5. List all elements of {0,1}³.

  6. (a) How many different partitions of the set {1,2,3} are there? (b) How many different permutation functions are there on that set?

  7. Here is an example proof that A ⊆ A ∪ B. Suppose that a ∈ A. Then it is either the case that a ∈ A or a ∈ B. Thus by the definition of ∪, a ∈ A ∪ B. Since this holds for any a ∈ A, then by the definition of ⊆, A ⊆ A ∪ B.

    Here is an example proof that A ∩ B ⊆ A. Suppose that a ∈ A ∩ B. Then by the definition of ∩, a ∈ A (and also a ∈ B, but we don’t need that). Since this holds for any a ∈ A ∩ B, then by the definition of ⊆, A ∩ B ⊆ A.

    Prove the following:

    1. A ∪ (A ∩ B) = A
    2. A ∩ (A ∪ B) = A
    1. A ⊆ B iff A ∪ B ⊆ B
    2. A ⊆ B iff A ⊆ A ∩ B
    1. A – (A – B) = A ∩ B
    2. (A – B) ∩ B = ∅
  8. Prove that A × (B ∩ Γ) = (A × B) ∩ (A × Γ).

  9. Understand the symmetric difference of sets A and B to be the set (A ∪ B) – (A ∩ B). I’ve seen this operation expressed using each of the following notations: ∆ ⊝ ⊕ and + (+ is also sometimes used instead to express “disjoint union”). For the purposes of this question, let’s express symmetric difference using ⊕. (a) Prove that A ⊕ B = (A – B) ∪ (B – A). (b) Prove that A ⊕ B ⊆ B iff A ⊆ B.

  10. Which of the following mathematical symbols express unary functions? Which express binary functions? Which don’t express functions at all?

    1. +
    2. <
    1. sin
  11. Consider the functions described below, where x ∈ Χ and y ∈ Ψ. Is the function injective? (If “it depends,” what does it depend on?)

    1. f(x,y) = x
    2. f(x,y) = (y,x)
    1. f(x) = (x,y₀), for some fixed y₀ ∈ Ψ
  12. Let A be a finite set, and f be a function from A into A. (a) Explain why f’s being injective implies it is also surjective. (b) Explain why f’s being surjective implies it is also injective.

  13. Is + an operation on the set of odd natural numbers? Justify your answer.

  14. Let B be a set and consider its powerset 𝟚B. Is ∪ an operation on 𝟚B? What about ∩? What about –? A binary operator is called idempotent when applying it to (b,b) always gives b as a result. Which if any of those operators on 𝟚B are idempotent?

  15. Again let B be a set, but now consider the set Ψ of permutations on B. Consider the operator ∘ that takes two functions as arguments and delivers their composition as a result. Is ∘ an operation on Ψ? Is it commutative? Justify your answers.

  16. When we’re talking about the composition of more than two functions, sometimes we’ll leave off the parentheses. Should h ∘ g ∘ f be understood as h ∘ (g ∘ f) or as (h ∘ g) ∘ f? Justify your answer.

  17. If f: Δ → Γ and idΔ and idΓ are identity functions on Δ and Γ respectively, (a) what is f ∘ idΔ? (b) What is idΓ ∘ f?

  18. If f: Δ → Γ is a bijection, (a) what is f⁻¹ ∘ f? (b) What is f ∘ f⁻¹? It should be clear what the domain and codomain of your answers are.