% Relations between Algebras ### Subalgebras ### Suppose we have an arbitrary algebra $\tuple{\Alpha, \star, \dots}$. A **subalgebra** will be an algebra (usually of the same kind as the original) whose universe is a subset of $\Alpha$, and uses the same operations $\star, \dots$ For example, we said that one group is $\tuple{\Z, +, 0}$. A subgroup of this would be $\tuple{\mathbb{E}, +, 0}$, where $\mathbb{E}$ is the set of even *integers* (earlier I used that symbol to represent the set of even *numbers*, that is, integers $\ge 0$). Note that this subset of the original universe is closed under $+$ and includes the $+$-inverses of every element it includes; if it didn't, our subalgebra here wouldn't count as a group. An important result in group theory states that the size of any subgroup---that is, the number of elements in its universe---is a divisor (without remainder) of the size of the original group. ### Isomorphisms ### Two alegbras are said to be **isomorphic** when there's a translation between them that preserves all of their structure. It's as though the algebras differ only in terms of the "names" of their elements and operations. Such a translation is called an **isomorphism**. What "preserving all the structure" involves will depend on what kind of algebra we're talking about. For example, if $\tuple{\Alpha,\star,a_0}$ and $\tuple{\Beta,\bullet,b_0}$ are two *groups*, then an isomorphism between them will be a bijective function $f$ such that for all $x,y\in \Alpha$: > $f(x\star y) = f(x) \bullet f(y)$ \newcommand\inv[1]{\bar{#1}} Further, the identity $a_0$ of the first group will be such that $f(a_0) =$ the identity $b_0$ of the second group. Further, where $x\in \Alpha$ and $\inv{x}$ is its inverse wrt $\star$, then $f(\inv{x})$ will be the inverse of $f(x)$ wrt $\bullet$. Some of the requirements I just listed are redundant: it can be proved that if we only insist on a smaller list of requirements, we get the others for free. But I've spelled this out more explicitly so as to illustrate what's meant by the desideratum that $f$ preserves the structure of the algebra it's translating from. The idea is: it doesn't matter whether you perform $\star$ first, and then translate into the $\tuple{\Beta,\bullet,b_0}$ group, or translate first and then perform $\bullet$. When there exists at least one isomorph*ism* between two algebras, then they count as isomorph*ic*. The symbol $\cong$ is commonly used to express the relation of being isomorphic to. Here's an example of an isomorphism, from the group $\tuple{\set{1,2,3,4}, * \bmod 5, 1}$ to the group $\Z_4 = \tuple{\set{0,1,2,3}, + \bmod 4, 0}$: > $f(1) = 0$ > $f(2) = 1$ > $f(3) = 3$ > $f(4) = 2$ We'll see another example at the end of this page. ### (Homo)morphisms ### Notice that in the example above, the isomorphism was a bijective function between the algebras' universes. This is a general requirement: the kinds of translations that are called "isomorphisms" have to be bijections. However, there is a more general notion which relaxes that requirement. These more general translations are called **homomorphisms** or sometimes just **morphisms**. I'll call them (homo)morphisms.
Don't confuse this with the notions of *hom*eo*morphisms* and *homotopy*, which are used to express ideas like your coffee mug being topologically equivalent to a donut. Those aren't notions we'll be talking about. *Homology* is yet another notion with a similar-sounding name---also with connections to topology---that is different from what we're talking about here.