Many of these borrowed from Mike Titelbaum.
For the following problems, assume that "a confirms b" (symbolized as aCb) is true for a probability distribution p iff p(b|a) > p(b). Assume that "a disconfirms b" (symbolized as aDb) is true for p iff p(b|a) < p(b).
When giving examples, you may find it helpful to work with a sample space that is a 12-sided die, where all twelve sides are initially regarded as equally likely.
Answer: Suppose the sample space is our fair 12-sided die. Let a be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 1,2,3,4,5. Let b be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 3,4,5,6,7,8. Let d be the hypothesis that the die came up one if 5,6,7,8,9,10. Then p(b) = 1/2, and p(b|a) = 3/5 which is higher. Also p(d) = 1/2, and p(d|b) = 4/6 which is higher. But p(d|a) = only 1/5 which is lower than 1/2.
Answer: as in the previous problem, let our sample space be a fair 12-sided die. Let a be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Let b be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12. Let d be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12. Then p(b) = 8/12, and p(b|a) = 5/7 which is higher. Also p(d) = 8/12, and p(d|a) = 5/7. But p(b or d) = 11/12, and p(b or d|a) = 6/7 which is lower.
Answer: as in the previous problems, let our sample space be a fair 12-sided die. Let a be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 1,3,5. Let b be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 3,4,5,6. Let d be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 1,2,3,4. Then p(d) = 4/12. p(d|a) = 2/3, which is higher than 4/12. p(d|b) = 1/2, which is also higher than 4/12. p(d|ab) = 1/2, which is the same as p(d|b).
Answer: using our fair 12-sided die, let H1 be the hyppthesis that the die came up one of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Let E be the hypothesis that the die came up either 7 or 8. Then p(H1|E) = 1/2, which is less than p(H1) = 7/12.
Answer: we assume that p(E) is not 0, so p(H2|E) is defined as p(H2 & E)/p(E). But if H2 entails E, then H2 & E is logically equivalent to H2, thus the previous expression is equivalent to p(H2)/p(E). Now p(E) ≤ 1, so p(H2)/p(E) will be ≥ p(H2).
Answer: p(No pairs) = p(die 2 differs from die 1 & die 3 differs from dies 1 and 2 & ...) = p(die 2 differs from die 1) * p(die 3 differs from dies 1 and 2 & ... | die 2 differs from die 1) = p(die 2 differs from die 1) * p(die 3 differs from dies 1 and 2 | die 2 differs from die 1) * p(die 4 differs from dies 1 and 2 and 3 & ... | die 2 differs from die 1 & die 3 differs from dies 1 and 2) = p(die 2 differs from die 1) * p(die 3 differs from dies 1 and 2 | die 2 differs from die 1) * p(die 4 differs from dies 1 and 2 and 3 | die 2 differs from die 1 & die 3 differs from dies 1 and 2) * p(die 5 differs from dies 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 | die 2 differs from die 1 & die 3 differs from dies 1 and 2 & die 4 differs from dies 1 and 2 and 3) = 5/6 * 4/6 * 3/6 * 2/6 = 20/216 = 5/54
Answer: p(No triples) = p(No pairs) + p(There is one pair but no triples) + p(There are two pairs but no triples). (In the original answer, I neglected this third factor.)
The first factor was calculated in the previous problem to be 5/54.
We can calculate the second factor as follows: p(1,2 match but all the others are different) + p(1,3 match but all the others are different) + p(1,4 match but all the others are different) + p(1,5 match but all the others are different) + p(2,3 match but all the others are different) + p(2,4 match but all the others are different) + p(2,5 match but all the others are different) + p(3,4 match but all the others are different) + p(3,5 match but all the others are different) + p(4,5 match but all the others are different).
All of those factors will be symmetrical, so this = 10*p(1 and 2 match but all the others are different).
So we have 10*p(1,2 match but all the others are different). The key idea here involves realizing that p(AB|C) = p(B|C) * p(A|BC). Now, that p(1,2 match but all the others are different) = p(1,2 match) * p(3 differs from 1,2 & 4 differs from 1,2 and 3 & 5 differs from 1,2 and 3 and 4 | 1,2 match) = (here we apply the key idea) p(1,2 match) * p(3 differs from 1,2 | 1,2 match) * p(4 differs from 1,2 and 3 & 5 differs from 1,2 and 3 and 4 | 1,2 match but 3 differs) = p(1,2 match) * p(3 differs from 1,2 | 1,2 match) * p(4 differs from 1,2 and 3 | 1,2 match but 3 differs) * p(5 differs from 1,2 and 3 and 4 | 1,2 match but 3 differs from 1,2 & 4 differs from 1,2 and 3) = 1/6 * 5/6 * 4/6 * 3/6 = 5/108.
We can calculate the third factor as follows: p(1,2 match and 3,4 match but differ from 1,2 and 5 differs from the rest) + p(1,3 match and 2,4 match but differ from 1,2 and 5 differs from the rest) + p(1,4 match and 2,3 match but differ from 1,2 and 5 differs from the rest) + ... corresponding options where it's 1 which differs from the rest, or 2, or 3, or 4.
That's 15 possibilities in all, which are symmetrical, so this = 15*p(1,2 match and 3,4 match but differ from 1,2 and 5 differs from the rest).
So we have 15*p(1,2 match and 3,4 match but differ from 1,2 and 5 differs from the rest). That p(1,2 match and 3,4 match but differ from 1,2 and 5 differs from the rest) = p(1 and 2 match) * p(3,4 match but differ from 1,2 and 5 differs from the rest | 1 and 2 match) = p(1 and 2 match) * p(3,4 match but differ from 1,2 | 1 and 2 match) * p(5 differs from the rest | 1,2 match and 3,4 match but differ from 1,2) = 1/6 * p(3 differs from 1,2 | 1 and 2 match) * p(4 matches 3 | 1,2 match and 3 differs from 1,2) * 4/6 = 1/6 * 5/6 * 1/6 * 4/6 = 5/324.
Plugging these numbers back into p(No pairs) + 10 * ___ + 15* ___, we get 5/54 + 25/54 + 75/324 = 255/324.
Answer: (B and D) or (not-B and not-D). Also known as "B iff D".
Answer: p(B iff D) = p(B and D) + p(not-B and not-D), since these options exclude each other. The first is p(D|B)p(B). The second is p(not-D|not-B)p(not-B). Since the outcome of the die toss is independent of whether Heather bet, p(D|B) = p(D) and p(not-D|not-B) = p(not-D). So p(B iff D) = p(D)p(B) + p(not-D)p(not-B). Since p(B) = p(not-B) = 1/2, this is p(D)/2 + p(not-D)/2 = 1/2.
(Added later: what the problem asked was: what is p(D|B iff D)? This will be p(D & (B iff D))/p(B iff D) = p(B & D)/p(B iff D). Since we're assuming B is independent of D, this is p(B)p(D) / p(B iff D) = (1/2)p(D)/(1/2) = p(D). We solved for p(D) in problem 7.)
(New answer: p(B|B iff D) = p(B & (B iff D))/p(B iff D) = p(B & D)/p(B iff D), which we solved for in problem 8b.)
Answer: ...
Answer: an easy solution is to let d = not-a. Then for any choice of probabilistically independent a,d, the other constraints will follow.
Answer: using a fair 12-sided die again, let a be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 1,2,3,4,5,6. Let b be the hypothesis that the die came up even. Let d be the hypothesis that the die came up 1,3,5,8,10,12. Then p(a|b) = 3/6 = p(a), so a and b are independent. Also p(b|d) = 3/6 = p(b), so b and d are independent. Also p(a|d) = 3/6 = p(a), so a and d are independent. But "b and d" = the die came up one of 8,10,12, and this is incompatible with a. So a and "b and d" are not independent.
Answer: using a fair 12-sided die again, let a be the hypothesis that the die came up one of 1,2,3,4; b be the hypothesis that the die came up 1,2,3,5,6,9; d be the hypothesis that the die came up 2,3,4,7,8,9. Then p(a|b) = p(a|d) = 3/6. But p(a|b or d) = p({1,2,3,4}|{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) = 4/9.
Answer: Alan's credence p(a|b) = 1/3 sanctions as fair a bet against a conditional on b, where he loses $12 if a and b, but wins $6 if not-a and b. His credence p(b) = 1/3 sanctions as fair a bet against b, where he loses $4 if b, but wins $2 if not-b. His credence p(ab) = 1/6 sanctions as fair a bet for ab, where he wins $15 if ab, but loses $3 if either not-a or not-b.
Now, if not-b, then Alan neither gains nor loses on the first bet, he wins $2 on the second bet, and he loses $3 on the third bet, for a net loss of $1. If b but not a, then Alen wins $6 on the first bet, loses $4 on the second bet, and loses $3 on the third bet, for a net loss of $1. If b and a, then Alen loses $12 on the first bet, loses $4 on the second bet, and wins $15 on the third bet, again for a net loss of $1. Poor Alan.