X-Git-Url: http://lambda.jimpryor.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=lambda.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=sandbox.mdwn;h=45b5dfbc9cdd0fd024ead7c7eae29a70cf2df0d8;hp=4a2897507b2a727ee671e79ef1e1261a6eda976c;hb=cf725beaaf55f74fe02a94dd072449b030ae8928;hpb=b27a7a1123dc21df15cdc007667150719f8d456d diff --git a/sandbox.mdwn b/sandbox.mdwn index 4a289750..45b5dfbc 100644 --- a/sandbox.mdwn +++ b/sandbox.mdwn @@ -1,44 +1,270 @@ -This is the SandBox, a page anyone can edit to learn how to use the wiki. Here is $some^2 x^{e \pi} + 3y$ math, and $$here_{is} some + more$$. End of math. +
+# Doing things with monads
-Here is [[!img y-combinator.jpg size="200x200" alt="clouds"]]. And rest of paragraph.
+## Extended application: Groenendijk, Stokhof and Veltman's *Coreference and Modality*
-Try some math:
-. Okay, that's it!
+  GSV = GS + V
+  GS = Dynamic Predicate Logic L&P 1991: dynamic binding, donkey anaphora
+       Dynamic Montague Grammar 1990: generalized quantifiers, discourse referents
-[[!inline pages="tagged(foo)" show=0 archive=yes]]
+  V = epistemic modality
+What are pegs?  A paper by Landman called `Pegs and Alecs'.
+    It might be raining.  It's not raining.
+    #It's not raining.  It might be raining.
-Here's a paragraph.
+## Two-part assignment functions
-Here's another one with *emphasised* text.
+    type var = string
+    type peg = int
+    type refsys = var -> peg
+    type ent = Alice | Bob | Carl
+    type assignment = peg -> ent
-# Header
+    type pred = string
+    type world = pred -> ent -> bool
+    type pegcount = int
+    type poss = world * pegcount * refsys * assignment
+    type infostate = [poss]
-## Subheader
+So information states track both facts about the world (e.g., which
+objects count as a man), and facts about the discourse (e.g., how many
+pegs have been used).
-> This is a blockquote.
-> This is the first level of quoting.
-> > This is nested blockquote.
-> Back to the first level.
+    ref(i, t) = t if t is an individual, and 
+                g(r(t)) if t is a variable, where i = (w,n,r,g)
-Numbered list 
+    s[P(t)] = {i in s | w(P)(ref(i,t))}
-1. First item.
-1. Another.
-1. And another..
+    s[t1 = t2] = {i in s | ref(i,t1) = ref(i,t2)}
-Bulleted list
+    s[φ and ψ] = s[φ][ψ]
-* *item*
-* item
+    s[∃xφ] = Union {{(w, n+1, r[x->n], g[n->a]) | (w,n,r,g) in s}[φ] | a in ent} 
+    s[neg φ] =  {i | {i}[φ] = {}}
+    1. {(w,n,r,g)}[∃x.person(x)]
+    2. {(w,n,r,g)}[∃x.man(x)]
+    3. {(w,n,r,g)}[∃x∃y.person(x) and person(y)]
+    4. {(w,n,r,g)}[∃x∃y.x=y]
+## Order and modality
+    s[◊φ] = {i in s | s[φ] ≠ {}}
+    1. Alice isn't hungry.  #Alice might be hungry.
+      {hungry, full}[Alice isn't hungry][Alice might be hungry]
+    = {full}[Alice might be hungry]
+    = {}
+    2. Alice might be hungry.  Alice isn't hungry.
+    = {hungry, full}[Alice might be hungry][Alice isn't hungry]
+    = {hungry, full}[Alice isn't hungry]
+    = {full}
+GSV: a single speaker couldn't possibly be in a position to utter (2).
+    3. Based on public evidence, Alice might be hungry.  But in fact she's not hungry.
+    4. Alice might be hungry.  Alice *is* hungry.
+    5. Alice is hungry.  (So of course) Alice might be hungry.
+consider: update with the prejacent and its negation must both be non-empty.
+## Order and binding
+    6. A man^x entered.  He_x sat.
+    7. He_x sat.  A man^x entered.
+    8. {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}
+This infostate contains a refsys and an assignment that maps the
+variable x to Bob.  Here are the facts in world w:
+    w "enter" a = false
+    w "enter" b = true
+    w "enter" c = true
+    w "sit" a = true
+    w "sit" b = true
+    w "sit" c = false
+    9. Someone^x entered.  He_x sat.  
+         {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}[∃x.enter(x)][sit(x)]
+          -- the existential adds a new peg and assigns it to each
+          -- entity in turn
+       = (   {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->a])}[enter(x)]
+          ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->b])}[enter(x)]
+          ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->c])}[enter(x)])[sit(x)]
+          -- "enter(x)" filters out the possibility in which x refers
+          -- to Alice, since Alice didn't enter
+       = (   {}
+          ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->b])}
+          ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->c])})[sit(x)]
+          -- "sit(x)" filters out the possibility in which x refers
+          -- to Carl, since Carl didn't sit
+       =  {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->b])}
+existential in effect binds the pronoun in the following clause
+    10. He_x sat.  Someone^x entered. 
+         {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}[sit(x)][∃x.enter(x)]
+         -- evaluating `sit(x)` rules out nothing, since (coincidentally)
+         -- x refers to Bob, and Bob is a sitter
+       = {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}[∃x.enter(x)]
+         -- Just as before, the existential adds a new peg and assigns
+         -- it to each object
+       =    {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->a])}[enter(x)]
+         ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->b])}[enter(x)]
+         ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->c])}[enter(x)]
+         -- enter(x) eliminates all those possibilities in which x did
+         -- not enter
+       = {} ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->b])}
+            ++ {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->c])}
+       = {(w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->b]), 
+          (w,2,r[x->0][x->1],g[0->b][1->c])}
+    11. A man^x entered.  He_x sat.  He_x spoke.
+    12. He_x sat.  A man^x entered.  He_x spoke.
+consider: new peg requires object not in the domain of the assignment fn
+    13. If a woman entered, she sat.
+## Interactions of binding with modality
+    (∃x.enter(x)) and (sit(x)) ≡ ∃x (enter(x) and sit(x))
+but (∃x.closet(x)) and (◊guilty(x)) ≡/≡ ∃x (closet(x) and ◊guilty(x))
+    The Broken Vase:
+    There are three sons, Bob, Carl, and Dave.  
+    One of them broke a vase.  
+    Bob is known to be innocent.  
+    Someone is hiding in the closet.
+        in closet        guilty 
+        ---------------  ---------------
+    w:  b  false         b  false
+        c  false         c  false
+        d  true          d  true
+    w': b  false         b  false
+        c  true          c  false
+        d  false         d  true
+GSV observe that (∃x.closet(x)) and (◊guilty(x)) is true if there is
+at least one possibility in which a person in the closet is guilty.
+In this scenario, world w is the verifying world.  It remains possible
+that there are closet hiders who are not guilty in any world.  Carl
+fits this bill: he's in the closet in world w', but he is not guilty
+in any world.
+    14. Someone^x is in the closet.  He_x might be guilty.
+         {(w,0,r,g), (w',0,r,g}[∃x.closet(x)][◊guilty(x)]
+         -- existential introduces new peg
+       = (   {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}[closet(x)]
+          ++ {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->c])}[closet(x)]
+          ++ {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->d])}[closet(x)]
+          ++ {(w',1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}[closet(x)]
+          ++ {(w',1,r[x->0],g[0->c])}[closet(x)]
+          ++ {(w',1,r[x->0],g[0->d])}[closet(x)])[◊guilty(x)]
+         -- only possibilities in which x is in the closet survive
+       = {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->d]),
+          (w',1,r[x->0],g[0->c])}[◊guilty(x)]
+         -- Is there any possibility in which x is guilty?
+         -- yes: for x = Dave, in world w Dave broke the vase
+       = {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->d]),
+          (w',1,r[x->0],g[0->c])}
+Now we consider the second half:
+    14. Someone^x is in the closet who_x might be guilty.
+         {(w,0,r,g), (w',0,r,g)}[∃x(closet(x) & ◊guilty(x))]
+         -- existential introduces new peg
+       =    {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}[closet(x)][◊guilty(x)]
+         ++ {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->c])}[closet(x)][◊guilty(x)]
+         ++ {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->d])}[closet(x)][◊guilty(x)]
+         ++ {(w',1,r[x->0],g[0->b])}[closet(x)][◊guilty(x)]
+         ++ {(w',1,r[x->0],g[0->c])}[closet(x)][◊guilty(x)]
+         ++ {(w',1,r[x->0],g[0->d])}[closet(x)][◊guilty(x)]
+          -- filter out possibilities in which x is not in the closet
+          -- and filter out possibilities in which x is not guilty
+          -- the only person who was guilty in the closet was Dave in
+          -- world 1
+       = {(w,1,r[x->0],g[0->d])}
+The result is different, and more informative.  
+## Binding, modality, and identity
+The fragment correctly predicts the following contrast:
+    15. Someone^x entered.  He_x might be Bob.  He_x might not be Bob.
+        (∃x.enter(x)) & ◊x=b & ◊not(x=b)
+        -- This discourse requires a possibility in which Bob entered
+        -- and another possibility in which someone who is not Bob entered
+    16. Someone^x entered who might be Bob and who might not be Bob.
+        ∃x (enter(x) & ◊x=b & ◊not(x=b))
+        -- This is a contradition: there is no single person who might be Bob
+        -- and who simultaneously might be someone else
+### Identifiers
+Let α be a term which differs from x.  Then α is an identifier if the
+following formula is supported by every information state:
+    ∀x(◊(x=α) --> (x=α))
+The idea is that α is an identifier just in case there is only one
+object that it can refer to.  Here is what GSV say:
+    A term is an identifier per se if no mattter what the information
+    state is, it cannot fail to decie what the denotation of the term is.
+## Why have a two-part assignment function?
+In the current system, variables are associated with values in two
+    Variables        Pegs         Entities
+    ---------   r    ----    g    --------   
+       x       -->    0     -->      a
+       y       -->    1     -->      b
+       z       -->    2     -->      c
+Here, r is a refsys mapping variables to pegs, and g is an assignment function mapping pegs to entities