Page for Chris and Jim to see what each other is working on, but hasn't necessarily been posted to main wiki index yet. Week11: * [[Tree and List Zippers]] * [[Coroutines and Aborts]] * [[From List Zippers to Continuations]] * [[Assignment8]] Week12: * [[List Monad as Continuation Monad]] * [[Manipulating Trees with Monads]] (still in progress) * [[code/]] * [[Assignment9]] New stuff, fairly stable: * [Commentary](/hints/assignment_6_commentary) on some common issues in the solutions to [[Assignment6]]. * [[Translating between OCaml Scheme and Haskell]] * [[Monad Library]], code is at [[code/]] * [[State Monad Tutorial]] In progress: * [[Curry-Howard]] * [[Curry-Howard-note]] is this current? * [[Using Continuations to Solve Same Fringe]] * [[Monad Transformers]] * [[Assignment10]] * [[CPS]]