This function is developed in *The Seasoned Schemer* pp. 165-177. It accepts a list `lst` and returns `#t` or `#f` depending on whether any atom appears in `lst` twice in a row. The list is interpreted as though it were flattened: all embedded lists are collapsed into the topmost level, and empty list elements are ignored. However, no flattened copy of the list is ever constructed. #lang racket (define (atom? x) (and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))) (define delta (letrec ([yield (lambda (x) x)] [resume (lambda (x) x)] [walk (lambda (l) (cond ; this is the only case where walk terminates naturally [(null? l) '()] [(atom? (car l)) (begin (let/cc k2 (begin (set! resume k2) ; now calling resume with val will ignore val ; and continue with the final line of (begin ... (walk (cdr l))) ; when the next line is executed, yield will be bound to k1 or k3 (yield (car l)))) ; the previous yield line will never return, but the following line will be executed when resume is called (walk (cdr l)))] [else (begin ; walk will only ever return when a '() is reached, and will in that case return a '() (walk (car l)) (walk (cdr l)))]))] [next (lambda () ; next is a thunk (let/cc k3 (begin (set! yield k3) ; now calling yield with val will return val from the call to next ; when the next line is executed, resume will be bound to k2 (resume 'blah))))] [check (lambda (prev) (let ([n (next)]) (cond [(eq? n prev) #t] [(atom? n) (check n)] ; n will fail to be an atom iff we've walked to the end of the list, and (resume 'blah) returned naturally [else #f])))]) (lambda (lst) (let ([fst (let/cc k1 (begin (set! yield k1) ; now calling yield with val will bind fst to val and continue with the (cond ...) block below (walk lst) ; the next line will be executed only when lst contains no atoms (yield '())))]) (cond [(atom? fst) (check fst)] [else #f]) )))) (delta '(((a b) ()) (c (d ())))) ; ~~> #f (delta '(((a b) ()) (b (d ())))) ; ~~> #t (delta '(((a b) ()) (c (d (d))))) ; ~~> #t (delta '(((a b c) ()) (c (d ())))) ; ~~> #t (delta '(((a b) ()) (c (d ()) c))) ; ~~> #f