Here's the solution: let asker : char -> int Reader_custom.m = fun (a : char) -> fun (env : char -> int) -> env a;; let seed t = TR.monadize asker t;; let v3 = TreeCont.monadize (fun a k -> fun e -> k a (update_env e a) ) tree seed (fun a -> 0);; What's going on here? Our distributed function takes a leaf element `a`, a continuation `k` (which takes leaf elements and environments), and an environment `e`, and returns the result of passing the leaf element and an updated environment to `k`. As always, the seed function operates on trees of leaf elements where the distributed function operated on leaf elements. So the seed function takes a tree and a environment, and returns whatever you want. What we want is a tree-reader, that is, a function from environments to trees. Once this gets distributed over the tree using the `TreeCont.monadize` function, we'll have a tree-reader that operates on the updated environment instead of the initial environment (which we still have to supply---it's the final `fun a -> 0`). How can we build such a tree-reader? The same way we formerly turned a tree of `int`s and an int-to-b-reader function into a b-tree-reader: using the `TR.monadize` function. And `v3` is just what we were looking for: Node (Leaf 2, Node (Leaf 1, Node (Leaf 1, Leaf 2))). Now all of this should be implementable in the "" library too. But as I said earlier, the encapsulation enforced by that library may make it somewhat harder to work with. module T = Tree_monad;; module C = Continuation_monad;; module S = State_monad(struct type store = char -> int end);; module R = Reader_monad(struct type env = char -> int end);; module TC = T.T(C);; module TS = T.T(S);; module TR = T.T(R);; # let v0 = TC.(run_exn (distribute (fun a -> C.(shift (fun k -> k a >>= fun v -> unit (1+v))) ) tree)) (fun a -> 0);; - : int = 5 # let v1 = TC.(run_exn (distribute (fun a -> C.(shift (fun k -> k a >>= fun ka -> unit (fun e -> let e_prev = ka e in (update_env e_prev a)))) ) tree)) (fun t e -> e) (fun a -> 0);; - : char -> int = (* now v1 '0';; ~~> 0 v1 '1';; ~~> 2 v1 '2';; ~~> 1 *) # let v2 = TS.(run (distribute annotater tree)) (fun a -> 0);; # let (tree',env) = v2 in TR.(run (distribute (fun a -> a) tree')) env;; (* returns tree with leafs replaced with their numbers of occurrences *) # let v3 = TC.(run_exn (distribute (fun a -> C.(shift (fun k -> k a >>= fun ka -> unit (fun e -> ka (update_env e a)))) ) tree)) (fun t -> TR.(run(distribute (fun a -> R.asks (fun e -> e a)) (Some t))) ) (fun a -> 0);; (* also returns tree with leafs replaced with their numbers of occurrences *)