# Assignment 6 (week 7) ## Evaluation order in Combinatory Logic 1. Give a term that the lazy evaluators (either [[the Haskell evaluator|code/ski_evaluator.hs]], or the lazy version of [[the OCaml evaluator|code/ski_evaluator.ml]]) do not evaluate all the way to a normal form, i.e., that contains a redex somewhere inside of it after it has been reduced. 2. One of the [[criteria we established for classifying reduction strategies|topics/week3_evaluation_order]] strategies is whether they reduce subexpressions hidden under lambdas. That is, for a term like `(\x y. x z) (\x. x)`, do we reduce to `\y.(\x.x) z` and stop, or do we reduce further to `\y.z`? Explain what the corresponding question would be for CL. Using the eager version of the OCaml CL evaluator, prove that the evaluator does reduce expressions inside of at least some "functional" CL expressions. Then provide a modified evaluator that does not perform reductions in those positions. (Just give the modified version of your recursive reduction function.) ## Evaluation in the untyped lambda calculus: substitution Having sketched the issues with a discussion of Combinatory Logic, we're going to begin to construct an evaluator for a simple language that includes lambda abstraction. In this problem set, we're going to work through the issues twice: once with a function that does substitution in the obvious way. You'll see it's somewhat complicated. The complications come from the need to worry about variable capture. (Seeing these complications should give you an inkling of why we presented the evaluation order discussion using Combinatory Logic, since we don't need to worry about variables in CL.) We're not going to ask you to write the entire program yourself. Instead, we're going to give you [[the complete program, minus a few little bits of glue|code/reduction_with_substitution.ml]]. What you need to do is understand how it all fits together. When you do, you'll understand how to add the last little bits to make functioning program. 1. In the previous homework, you built a function that took an identifier and a lambda term and returned a boolean representing whether that identifier occured free inside of the term. Your first task is to complete the `free_in` function, which has been crippled in the code base (look for lines that say `COMPLETE THIS LINE`). Once you have your function working, you should be able to run queries such as this: # free_in "x" (App (Abstract ("x", Var "x"), Var "x"));; - : bool = true 2. Once you get the `free_in` function working, you'll need to complete the `substitute` function. Sample target: # substitute (App (Abstract ("x", ((App (Abstract ("x", Var "x"), Var "y")))), Constant (Num 3))) "y" (Constant (Num 4));; - : lambdaTerm = App (Abstract ("x", App (Abstract ("x", Var "x"), Constant (Num 4))), Constant (Num 3)) By the way, you'll see a new wrinkle on OCaml's pattern-matching construction: `| PATTERN when x = 2 -> RESULT`. This means that a match with PATTERN is only triggered if the boolean condition in the `when` clause evaluates to true. 3. Once you have completed the previous two problems, you'll have a complete evaluation program. Here's a simple sanity check for when you get it working: # reduce (App (Abstract ("x", Var "x"), Constant (Num 3)));; - : lambdaTerm = Constant (Num 3) 4. What kind of evaluation strategy does this evaluator use? In particular, what are the answers to the three questions about evaluation strategy as given in the discussion of [[evaluation strategies|topics/week3_evaluation_order]] as Q1, Q2, and Q3? ## Evaluation in the untyped calculus: environments and closures Ok, the previous strategy sucked: tracking free and bound variables, computing fresh variables, it's all super complicated. Here's a better strategy. Instead of keeping all of the information about which variables have been bound or are still free implicitly inside of the terms, we'll keep score. This will require us to carry around a scorecard, which we will call an "environment". This is a familiar strategy for philosophers of language and for linguists, since it amounts to evaluating expressions relative to an assignment function. The difference between the assignment function approach above, and this approach, is one huge step towards monads. 5. First, you need to get [[the evaluation code|code/reduction_with_environments.ml]] working. Look in the code for places where you see "not yet implemented", and get enough of those places working that you can use the code to evaluate terms. 6. A snag: what happens when we want to replace a variable with a term that itself contains a free variable? term environment ------------- ------------- (\w.(\y.y)w)2 [] (\y.y)w [w->2] y [w->2, y->w] In the first step, we bind `w` to the argument `2`. In the second step, we bind `y` to the argument `w`. In the third step, we would like to replace `y` with whatever its current value is according to our scorecard. On the simple-minded view, we would replace it with `w`. But that's not the right result, because `w` itself has been mapped onto 2. What does your evaluator code do? We'll guide you to a solution involving closures. The first step is to allow values to carry around a specific environment with them: type value = LiteralV of literal | Closure of lambdaTerm * env This will provide the extra information we need to evaluate an identifier all the way down to the correct final result. Here is a [[modified version of the evaluator that provides all the scaffoling for passing around closures|exercises/reduction_with_closures]]. The problem is with the following line: | Closure (Abstract(bound_ident, body), saved_r) -> eval body (push bound_ident arg saved_r) (* FIX ME *) What should it be in order to solve the problem? ## Monads Mappables (functors), MapNables (applicatives functors), and Monads (composables) are ways of lifting computations from unboxed types into boxed types. Here, a "boxed type" is a type function with one missing piece, which we can think of as a function from a type to a type. Call this type function M, and let P, Q, R, and S be variables over types. Recall that a monad requires a singleton function 1:P-> MP, and a composition operator >=>: (P->MQ) -> (Q->MR) -> (P->MR) [the type for the composition operator given here corrects a "type"-o from the class handout] that obey the following laws: 1 >=> k = k k >=> 1 = k j >=> (k >=> l) = (j >=> k) >=> l For instance, the identity monad has the identity function I for 1 and ordinary function composition (o) for >=>. It is easy to prove that the laws hold for any expressions j, k, and l whose types are suitable for 1 and >=>: 1 >=> k == I o k == \p. I (kp) ~~> \p.kp ~~> k k >=> 1 == k o I == \p. k (Ip) ~~> \p.kp ~~> k (j >=> k) >=> l == (\p.j(kp)) o l == \q.(\p.j(kp))(lq) ~~> \q.j(k(lq)) j >=> (k >=> l) == j o (k o l) == j o \p.k(lp) == \q.j(\p.k(lp)q) ~~> \q.j(k(lq)) 1. On a number of occasions, we've used the Option type to make our conceptual world neat and tidy (for instance, think of the discussion of Kaplan's Plexy). As we learned in class, there is a natural monad for the Option type. Borrowing the notation of OCaml, let's say that "`'a option`" is the type of a boxed `'a`, whatever type `'a` is. More specifically, 'a option = Nothing | Just 'a Then the obvious singleton for the Option monad is \p.Just p. Give (or reconstruct) the composition operator >=> we discussed in class. Show your composition operator obeys the monad laws. 2. Do the same with crossy lists. That is, given an arbitrary type 'a, let the boxed type be a list of objects of type 'a. The singleton is `\p.[p]`, and the composition operator is >=> (first:P->[Q]) (second:Q->[R]) :(P->[R]) = fun p -> [r | q <- first p, r <- second q] Sanity check: f p = [p, p+1] s q = [q*q, q+q] >=> f s 7 = [49, 14, 64, 16] 3. Do the same for zippy lists. That is, you need to find a composition operator such that f p = [p, p+1] s q = [q*q, q+q] >=> f s 7 = [49, 64] and then prove it obeys the monad laws.