# Topics # These topics are organized in two ways: by their content, and by the week in which they were introduced. ## Topics by content ## * [[What is computation?|topics/week3_what_is_computation]] * Functional Programming * [[Introduction|topics/week1 kapulet intro]] * [[Week 1 Advanced notes|topics/week1 kapulet advanced]] * [["Rosetta Stone" page #1 for Kaupulet, Scheme, OCaml, Haskell|rosetta1]] * Offsite links for help on [[learning Scheme]], [[OCaml|learning OCaml]], and [[Haskell|learning Haskell]] * [[List Comprehensions|topics/week3 lists#comprehensions]] * [[Unit and its usefulness|topics/week3 unit]] * More tips on using Scheme * Order, "static versus dynamic" * [[Order in programming languages and natural language|topics/week1 order]] * Reduction Strategies and Normal Forms in the Lambda Calculus * Usefulness of `()` * The Lambda Calculus * [[Introduction to the Lambda Calculus|topics/week2 lambda intro]] * [[Advanced notes on the Lambda Calculus|topics/week2 lambda advanced]] * Encoding data types in the Lambda Calculus * [[Booleans|topics/week2 encodings#booleans]] * [[Tuples|topics/week2 encodings#tuples]] * [[Lists|topics/week2 encodings#lists]], v1 (as right-folds) * [[Numbers|topics/week2 encodings#numbers]], v1 ("Church's encoding") * [[Arithmetic with Church numbers|topics/week3_church_arithmetic]] * [[How to get the `tail` of v1 lists?|topics/week3 lists#tails]] * [[Some other list encodings|topics/week3 lists#other-lists]] * Reduction Strategies and Normal Forms * [[Fixed point combinators|topics/week4_fixed_point_combinators]] * [[More about fixed point combinators|topics/week4_more_about_fixed_point_combinators]] * [[Combinatory Logic|topics/week3 combinatory logic]] ## Topics by week ## Week 1: * [[Order in programming languages and natural language|topics/week1 order]] This discussion considers conjunction in a language that recognized presupposition failure. * [[Introduction to functional programming|topics/week1 kapulet intro]] Basics of functional programming: `let`, `case`, pattern matching, and recursion. Definitions of factorial. * [[Advanced notes on functional programming|topics/week1 kapulet advanced]] * [[Homework for week 1|exercises/assignment1]] ([[Answers|exercises/assignment1_answers]]) Week 2: * [[Introduction to the Lambda Calculus|topics/week2 lambda intro]] * [[Advanced notes on the Lambda Calculus|topics/week2 lambda advanced]] * [[Encoding Booleans, Tuples, Lists, and Numbers|topics/week2 encodings]] * [[Homework for week 2|exercises/assignment2]] ([[Answers|exercises/assignment2_answers]]) Week 3: *These notes were developed over the course of the week. It'd be a good idea to review them again now, to be sure you've read all the content.* * [[Arithmetic with Church numbers|topics/week3_church_arithmetic]] * [[More on Lists|topics/week3 lists]] Introduces list comprehensions, discusses how to get the `tail` of lists in the Lambda Calculus, and some new list encodings * [[What is computation?|topics/week3_what_is_computation]] * Reduction Strategies and Normal Forms (will try to post soon) * [[Unit and its usefulness|topics/week3 unit]] * [[Combinatory Logic|topics/week3 combinatory logic]] * [[Homework for week 3|exercises/assignment3]] Week 4: * [[Fixed point combinators|topics/week4_fixed_point_combinators]] * [[More about fixed point combinators|topics/week4_more_about_fixed_point_combinators]] * Towards types (in progress)