type term = I | S | K | App of (term * term) let skomega = App (App (App (S,I), I), App (App (S,I), I)) let test = App (App (K,I), skomega) let reduce_one_step (t:term):term = match t with App(I,a) -> a | App(App(K,a),b) -> a | App(App(App(S,a),b),c) -> App(App(a,c),App(b,c)) | _ -> t let is_redex (t:term):bool = not (t = reduce_one_step t) let rec reduce (t:term):term = match t with I -> I | K -> K | S -> S | App (a, b) -> let t' = App (reduce a, reduce b) in if (is_redex t') then reduce (reduce_one_step t') else t' let rec reduce_lazy (t:term):term = match t with I -> I | K -> K | S -> S | App (a, b) -> let t' = App (reduce_lazy a, b) in if (is_redex t') then reduce_lazy (reduce_one_step t') else t'