type primFunction = Succ | Pred | IsZero | Leq | Leq_partially_applied of int type constant = Num of int | Bool of bool | Funct of primFunction type identifier = string type lambdaTerm = Constant of constant | Var of identifier | Abstract of identifier * lambdaTerm | App of lambdaTerm * lambdaTerm | IfThenElse of lambdaTerm * lambdaTerm * lambdaTerm | Let of identifier * lambdaTerm * lambdaTerm let rec free_in (ident:identifier) (term:lambdaTerm) : bool = match term with | Constant _ -> false | Var(var_ident) -> var_ident = ident (* | Abstract(bound_ident, body) -> COMPLETE THIS LINE *) (* | App(head, arg) -> COMPLETE THIS LINE *) | IfThenElse(test, yes, no) -> free_in ident test || free_in ident yes || free_in ident no | Let(bound_ident, arg, body) -> free_in ident arg || (bound_ident <> ident && free_in ident body) let fresh_var (base : identifier) (term:lambdaTerm) = let rec all_vars term vs = match term with | Constant _ -> vs | Var(var_ident) -> var_ident :: vs | Abstract(bound_ident, body) -> all_vars body (bound_ident :: vs) | App(head, arg) -> let vs' = all_vars head vs in all_vars arg vs' | IfThenElse(test, yes, no) -> let vs' = all_vars test vs in let vs'' = all_vars yes vs' in all_vars no vs'' | Let(bound_ident, arg, body) -> let vs' = all_vars arg vs in all_vars body (bound_ident :: vs') in let current = all_vars term [] in let rec check ident = if List.mem ident current then check (ident ^ "'") else ident in check (base ^ "'") (* keep adding primes until we find a variable unused (either free or bound) in term *) let rec substitute (term:lambdaTerm) (ident:identifier) (replacement:lambdaTerm) : lambdaTerm = match term with | Constant _ -> term | Var(var_ident) when var_ident = ident -> replacement | Var _ -> term | App(head, arg) -> let head' = substitute head ident replacement in let arg' = substitute arg ident replacement in App(head', arg') | IfThenElse(test, yes, no) -> let test' = substitute test ident replacement in let yes' = substitute yes ident replacement in let no' = substitute no ident replacement in IfThenElse(test', yes', no') | Abstract(bound_ident, body) when bound_ident = ident || not (free_in ident body) -> (* vacuous substitution *) term | Abstract(bound_ident, body) when not (free_in bound_ident replacement) -> (* can substitute without renaming bound_ident *) let body' = substitute body ident replacement in Abstract(bound_ident, body') | Abstract(bound_ident, body) -> (* find a fresh variable unused in either body or replacement (which we hack by specifying their App) *) let bound_ident' = fresh_var bound_ident (App(body,replacement)) in let body' = substitute body bound_ident (Var bound_ident') in let body'' = substitute body' ident replacement in Abstract(bound_ident', body'') | Let(bound_ident, arg, body) when bound_ident = ident || not (free_in ident body) -> let arg' = substitute arg ident replacement in Let(bound_ident, arg', body) | Let(bound_ident, arg, body) when not (free_in bound_ident replacement) -> (* can substitute without renaming bound_ident *) let body' = substitute body ident replacement in let arg' = substitute arg ident replacement in Let(bound_ident, arg', body') | Let(bound_ident, arg, body) -> (* find a fresh variable unused in either body or replacement (which we hack by specifying their App) *) let bound_ident' = fresh_var bound_ident (App(body,replacement)) in let body' = substitute body bound_ident (Var bound_ident') in let body'' = substitute body' ident replacement in let arg' = substitute arg ident replacement in Let(bound_ident', arg', body'') type reduceOutcome = AlreadyResult | ReducedTo of lambdaTerm | StuckAt of lambdaTerm exception Stuck of lambdaTerm let rec reduce1 (term:lambdaTerm) : reduceOutcome = match term with (* notice we never evaluate a yes/np branch until it is chosen *) | IfThenElse(Constant(Bool true), yes, _) -> ReducedTo yes | IfThenElse(Constant(Bool false), _, no) -> ReducedTo no | IfThenElse(test, yes, no) -> (match reduce1 test with | AlreadyResult -> StuckAt term (* if test was not reducible, neither is IfThenElse *) | ReducedTo test' -> ReducedTo (IfThenElse (test', yes, no)) | StuckAt _ as outcome -> outcome) (* notice we never evaluate the body except after substituting, and that happens only after arg is reduced to a result *) | Let(bound_var, arg, body) -> (match reduce1 arg with | AlreadyResult -> (* if arg was not reducible, we can substitute *) ReducedTo (substitute body bound_var arg) | ReducedTo arg' -> ReducedTo (Let(bound_var, arg', body)) | StuckAt _ as outcome -> outcome) (* notice we only substitute after arg is reduced to a result *) | App(Abstract(bound_var, body) as head, arg) -> (match reduce1 arg with | AlreadyResult -> (* if arg was not reducible, we can substitute *) ReducedTo (substitute body bound_var arg) | ReducedTo arg' -> ReducedTo (App(head, arg')) | StuckAt _ as outcome -> outcome) (* applications of primFunctions are reduced only when their arguments have been reduced to THE RIGHT TYPES of result *) | App(Constant(Funct Succ), Constant(Num n)) -> ReducedTo (Constant(Num (n+1))) | App(Constant(Funct Pred), Constant(Num n)) -> ReducedTo (Constant(Num (if n = 0 then 0 else n-1))) | App(Constant(Funct IsZero), Constant(Num n)) -> ReducedTo (Constant(Bool (n=0))) (* binary primFunctions are curried, have to be reduced in two steps *) | App(Constant(Funct Leq), Constant(Num n)) -> ReducedTo (Constant(Funct (Leq_partially_applied n))) | App(Constant(Funct (Leq_partially_applied m)), Constant(Num n)) -> ReducedTo (Constant(Bool (m<=n))) (* first the head should be reduced, next the arg *) | App(head, arg) -> (match reduce1 head with | ReducedTo head' -> ReducedTo (App(head', arg)) | StuckAt _ as outcome -> outcome | AlreadyResult -> (* head was not reducible, was arg? *) (match reduce1 arg with | ReducedTo arg' -> ReducedTo (App(head, arg')) (* else the reducible cases of App(result, result) were caught above; this must be stuck *) | AlreadyResult -> StuckAt term | StuckAt _ as outcome -> outcome)) | Var _ -> StuckAt term (* free variables are stuck *) | Constant _ -> AlreadyResult | Abstract(_, _) -> AlreadyResult let rec check_numbers (term:lambdaTerm) : unit = match term with | Constant(Num n) when n < 0 -> failwith ("Bad Number: " ^ string_of_int n) | Constant _ -> () | Var _ -> () | Abstract(_, body) -> check_numbers body | App(head, arg) -> let () = check_numbers head in check_numbers arg | Let(_, arg, body) -> let () = check_numbers arg in check_numbers body | IfThenElse(test, yes, no) -> let () = check_numbers test in let () = check_numbers yes in check_numbers no let reduce (term:lambdaTerm) : lambdaTerm = (* scan to verify that term doesn't have any Const(Num (negative)) *) let () = check_numbers term in let rec aux term = match reduce1 term with | AlreadyResult -> term | ReducedTo term' -> aux term' (* keep trying *) | StuckAt stuck_term -> raise (Stuck stuck_term) (* fail by raising exception *) in aux term