(* This version from 1 April 2015 *) module Monad = struct module type MAPPABLE = sig type 'a t val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t (* mapconst is definable as map % const. For example mapconst 4 [1,2,3] == [4,4,4]. Haskell calls mapconst <$ in Data.Functor and Control.Applicative. They also use $> for flip mapconst, and Control.Monad.void for mapconst (). *) end module type APPLICATIVE = sig include MAPPABLE val mid : 'a -> 'a t val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t val mapply : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t val (>>) : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'b t val (<<) : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'a t end module type MONAD = sig include APPLICATIVE type 'a result val run : 'a t -> 'a result val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t val (>=>) : ('a -> 'b t) -> ('b -> 'c t) -> ('a -> 'c t) val (<=<) : ('b -> 'c t) -> ('a -> 'b t) -> ('a -> 'c t) val join : 'a t t -> 'a t val ignore : 'a t -> unit t val seq : 'a t list -> 'a list t val seq_ignore : unit t list -> unit t val do_when : bool -> unit t -> unit t val do_unless : bool -> unit t -> unit t end module type MONADT = sig type 'a ut include MONAD val hoist : 'a ut -> 'a t end module type ZERO = sig type 'a t (* mzero is a value of type α that is exemplified by Nothing for the box type Maybe α and by [] for the box type List α. It has the behavior that anything ¢ mzero == mzero == mzero ¢ anything == mzero >>= anything. In Haskell, this notion is called Control.Applicative.empty or Control.Monad.mzero. *) val mzero : 'a t val guard : bool -> unit t end module type MONADZERO = sig include MONAD include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end module type MONADZEROT = sig include MONADT include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end module type MAPPABLE2 = sig type ('a,'d) t val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t end module type APPLICATIVE2 = sig include MAPPABLE2 val mid : 'a -> ('a,'d) t val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('c,'d) t val mapply : ('a -> 'b,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t val (>>) : ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t val (<<) : ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t end module type MONAD2 = sig include APPLICATIVE2 type ('a,'d) result val run : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) result val (>>=) : ('a,'d) t -> ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('b,'d) t val (>=>) : ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('b -> ('c,'d) t) -> ('a -> ('c,'d) t) val (<=<) : ('b -> ('c,'d) t) -> ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('a -> ('c,'d) t) val join : (('a,'d) t,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t val ignore : ('a,'d) t -> (unit,'d) t val seq : ('a,'d) t list -> ('a list,'d) t val seq_ignore : (unit,'d) t list -> (unit,'d) t val do_when : bool -> (unit,'d) t -> (unit,'d) t val do_unless : bool -> (unit,'d) t -> (unit,'d) t end module type MONAD2T = sig include MONAD2 type ('a,'d) ut val hoist : ('a,'d) ut -> ('a,'d) t end module type MONADZERO2 = sig include MONAD2 val mzero : ('a,'d) t val guard : bool -> (unit,'d) t end module type MONADZERO2T = sig include MONADZERO2 type ('a,'d) ut val hoist : ('a,'d) ut -> ('a,'d) t end module Make = struct module type MAP2 = sig type 'a t val mid : 'a -> 'a t val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t] end module type MAPPLY = sig type 'a t val mid : 'a -> 'a t val mapply : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t] val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t] end module type BIND = sig type 'a t type 'a result val run : 'a t -> 'a result val mid : 'a -> 'a t val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t] val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t] end module type COMP = sig type 'a t type 'a result val run : 'a t -> 'a result val mid : 'a -> 'a t val (>=>) : ('a -> 'b t) -> ('b -> 'c t) -> ('a -> 'c t) val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t] val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t] end module type JOIN = sig type 'a t type 'a result val run : 'a t -> 'a result val mid : 'a -> 'a t val join : 'a t t -> 'a t val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t] end module type TRANS = sig module U : MONAD type 'a t type 'a result val run : 'a t -> 'a result (* Provide hoist, >>=; LAWS: 1. hoist U.(mid x) == mid x; 2. hoist U.(uu >>= k) == hoist uu >>= fun u -> hoist (k u) *) val hoist : 'a U.t -> 'a t val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t end module type TRANSUZ = sig module U : MONADZERO type 'a t type 'a result val run : 'a t -> 'a result val hoist : 'a U.t -> 'a t val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t end module type TRANSZ = sig module U : MONAD type 'a t type 'a result val run : 'a t -> 'a result val hoist : 'a U.t -> 'a t val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t val mzero : 'a t end module ApplicativeFromBind(B : BIND) : APPLICATIVE with type 'a t = 'a B.t = struct type 'a t = 'a B.t let mid = B.mid let (>>=) = B.(>>=) let map = match B.map with | `Custom map -> map | `Generate -> fun f xx -> xx >>= fun x -> mid (f x) let map2 = match B.map2 with | `Custom map2 -> map2 | `Generate -> fun f xx yy -> xx >>= fun x -> yy >>= fun y -> mid (f x y) let mapply = match B.map2 with | `Custom map2 -> fun eta -> map2 ident eta | `Generate -> fun ff xx -> ff >>= fun f -> map f xx let (>>) xx yy = xx >>= fun _ -> yy let (<<) xx yy = mapply (map const xx) yy end module ApplicativeFromMap2(B : MAP2) : APPLICATIVE with type 'a t = 'a B.t = struct type 'a t = 'a B.t let mid = B.mid let map2 = B.map2 let mapply = match B.mapply with | `Custom mapply -> mapply | `Generate -> fun eta -> map2 ident eta let map = match B.map with | `Custom map -> map | `Generate -> fun f xx -> mapply (mid f) xx let (>>) xx yy = mapply (map (const ident) xx) yy let (<<) xx yy = mapply (map const xx) yy end module ApplicativeFromApply(B : MAPPLY) : APPLICATIVE with type 'a t = 'a B.t = struct type 'a t = 'a B.t let mid = B.mid let mapply = B.mapply let map = match B.map with | `Custom map -> map | `Generate -> fun f xx -> mapply (mid f) xx let map2 = match B.map2 with | `Custom map2 -> map2 | `Generate -> fun f xx yy -> mapply (map f xx) yy let (>>) xx yy = mapply (map (const ident) xx) yy let (<<) xx yy = mapply (map const xx) yy end module MonadFromBind(B : BIND) : MONAD with type 'a t = 'a B.t and type 'a result = 'a B.result = struct let (>>=) = B.(>>=) include ApplicativeFromBind(B) type 'a result = 'a B.result let run = B.run let (>=>) j k = fun a -> j a >>= k let (<=<) k j = fun a -> j a >>= k let join xxx = xxx >>= ident let ignore xx = map (fun _ -> ()) xx (* seq xxs = let f xx zzf = (xx >>=) . flip ((zzf.).(:)) in foldr f (return $) xxs [] *) (* foldr' f z xs = foldl (\g x z -> g (f x z)) id xs z -- foldr but evaluating from left? foldl'' f z xs = foldr (\x g z -> g (f z x)) id xs z -- foldl but evaluating from right? these don't work -- with foldr, evaluates left->right; with foldl the reverse seq xxs = let f c xx ret xs = xx >>= ret . c xs in -- careful! isn't fmap (c xs) xx because ret isn't (always) return reverse <$> foldr (f $ flip (:)) return xxs [] -- or simply: foldr (f snoc) return xxs [] *) let seq = let rec aux xs = function | [] -> mid (List.rev xs) | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun x -> aux (x::xs) xxs in fun xxs -> aux [] xxs let rec seq_ignore = function | [] -> mid () | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun () -> seq_ignore xxs let do_when res xx = if res then xx else mid () let do_unless res xx = if res then mid () else xx end module MonadFromComp(B : COMP) : MONAD with type 'a t = 'a B.t and type 'a result = 'a B.result = struct let (>=>) = B.(>=>) let (<=<) k j = j >=> k let (>>=) xx k = (ident >=> k) xx include ApplicativeFromBind(struct include B let (>>=) = (>>=) end) type 'a result = 'a B.result let run = B.run let join xxx = xxx >>= ident let ignore xx = map (fun _ -> ()) xx let seq = let rec aux xs = function | [] -> mid (List.rev xs) | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun x -> aux (x::xs) xxs in fun xxs -> aux [] xxs let rec seq_ignore = function | [] -> mid () | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun () -> seq_ignore xxs let do_when res xx = if res then xx else mid () let do_unless res xx = if res then mid () else xx end module MonadFromJoin(B : JOIN) : MONAD with type 'a t = 'a B.t and type 'a result = 'a B.result = struct let join = B.join let (>>=) xx k = join (B.map k xx) include ApplicativeFromBind(struct include B let (>>=) = (>>=) let map = `Custom B.map end) type 'a result = 'a B.result let run = B.run let (>=>) j k = fun a -> j a >>= k let (<=<) k j = fun a -> j a >>= k let ignore xx = map (fun _ -> ()) xx let seq = let rec aux xs = function | [] -> mid (List.rev xs) | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun x -> aux (x::xs) xxs in fun xxs -> aux [] xxs let rec seq_ignore = function | [] -> mid () | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun () -> seq_ignore xxs let do_when res xx = if res then xx else mid () let do_unless res xx = if res then mid () else xx end module MonadFromT(B : TRANS) : MONADT with type 'a t = 'a B.t and type 'a result = 'a B.result and type 'a ut := 'a B.U.t = struct include MonadFromBind(struct include B let mid x = hoist U.(mid x) let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate end) let hoist = B.hoist end module MonadFromTUZ(B : TRANSUZ) : MONADZEROT with type 'a t = 'a B.t and type 'a result = 'a B.result and type 'a ut := 'a B.U.t = struct let mzero = Obj.magic (B.hoist (B.U.mzero)) (* Obj.magic hack to generate enough polymorphism without having to thunk mzero *) include MonadFromBind(struct include B let (>>=) xx k = xx >>= fun x -> try k x with Match_failure _ -> mzero let mid x = hoist U.(mid x) let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate end) let hoist = B.hoist let guard res = if res then mid () else mzero end module MonadFromTZ(B : TRANSZ) : MONADZEROT with type 'a t = 'a B.t and type 'a result = 'a B.result and type 'a ut := 'a B.U.t = struct include MonadFromBind(struct include B let (>>=) xx k = xx >>= fun x -> try k x with Match_failure _ -> mzero let mid x = hoist U.(mid x) let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate end) let hoist = B.hoist let mzero = B.mzero let guard res = if res then mid () else mzero end module type BIND2 = sig type ('a,'d) t type ('a,'d) result val run : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) result val mid : 'a -> ('a,'d) t val (>>=) : ('a,'d) t -> ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('b,'d) t val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('c,'d) t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] end module type COMP2 = sig type ('a,'d) t type ('a,'d) result val run : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) result val mid : 'a -> ('a,'d) t val (>=>) : ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('b -> ('c,'d) t) -> ('a -> ('c,'d) t) val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('c,'d) t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] end module type JOIN2 = sig type ('a,'d) t type ('a,'d) result val run : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) result val mid : 'a -> ('a,'d) t val join : (('a,'d) t,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('c,'d) t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] end module type TRANS2 = sig module U : MONAD2 type ('a,'d) t type ('a,'d) result val run : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) result val (>>=) : ('a,'d) t -> ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('b,'d) t val hoist : ('a,'d) U.t -> ('a,'d) t end module type TRANSUZ2 = sig module U : MONADZERO2 type ('a,'d) t type ('a,'d) result val run : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) result val (>>=) : ('a,'d) t -> ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('b,'d) t val hoist : ('a,'d) U.t -> ('a,'d) t end module type TRANSZ2 = sig module U : MONAD2 type ('a,'d) t type ('a,'d) result val run : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) result val (>>=) : ('a,'d) t -> ('a -> ('b,'d) t) -> ('b,'d) t val hoist : ('a,'d) U.t -> ('a,'d) t val mzero : ('a,'d) t end module type MAP22 = sig type ('a,'d) t val mid : 'a -> ('a,'d) t val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('c,'d) t val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] val mapply : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] end module type MAPPLY2 = sig type ('a,'d) t val mid : 'a -> ('a,'d) t val mapply : ('a -> 'b,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t val map : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t] val map2 : [`Generate | `Custom of ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('b,'d) t -> ('c,'d) t] end module Applicative2FromBind(B : BIND2) : APPLICATIVE2 with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t = struct type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t let mid = B.mid let (>>=) = B.(>>=) let map = match B.map with | `Custom map -> map | `Generate -> fun f xx -> xx >>= fun x -> mid (f x) let map2 = match B.map2 with | `Custom map2 -> map2 | `Generate -> fun f xx yy -> xx >>= fun x -> yy >>= fun y -> mid (f x y) let mapply = match B.map2 with | `Custom map2 -> fun eta -> map2 ident eta | `Generate -> fun ff xx -> ff >>= fun f -> map f xx let (>>) xx yy = xx >>= fun _ -> yy let (<<) xx yy = mapply (map const xx) yy end module Applicative2FromMap2(B : MAP22) : APPLICATIVE2 with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t = struct type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t let mid = B.mid let map2 = B.map2 let mapply = match B.mapply with | `Custom mapply -> mapply | `Generate -> fun eta -> map2 ident eta let map = match B.map with | `Custom map -> map | `Generate -> fun f xx -> mapply (mid f) xx let (>>) xx yy = mapply (map (const ident) xx) yy let (<<) xx yy = mapply (map const xx) yy end module Applicative2FromApply(B : MAPPLY2) : APPLICATIVE2 with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t = struct type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t let mid = B.mid let mapply = B.mapply let map = match B.map with | `Custom map -> map | `Generate -> fun f xx -> mapply (mid f) xx let map2 = match B.map2 with | `Custom map2 -> map2 | `Generate -> fun f xx yy -> mapply (map f xx) yy let (>>) xx yy = mapply (map (const ident) xx) yy let (<<) xx yy = mapply (map const xx) yy end module Monad2FromBind(B : BIND2) : MONAD2 with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t and type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result = struct let (>>=) = B.(>>=) include Applicative2FromBind(B) type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result let run = B.run let (>=>) j k = fun a -> j a >>= k let (<=<) k j = fun a -> j a >>= k let join xxx = xxx >>= ident let ignore xx = map (fun _ -> ()) xx let seq = let rec aux xs = function | [] -> mid (List.rev xs) | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun x -> aux (x::xs) xxs in fun xxs -> aux [] xxs let rec seq_ignore = function | [] -> mid () | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun () -> seq_ignore xxs let do_when res xx = if res then xx else mid () let do_unless res xx = if res then mid () else xx end module Monad2FromComp(B : COMP2) : MONAD2 with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t and type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result = struct let (>=>) = B.(>=>) let (<=<) k j = j >=> k let (>>=) xx k = (ident >=> k) xx include Applicative2FromBind(struct include B let (>>=) = (>>=) end) type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result let run = B.run let join xxx = xxx >>= ident let ignore xx = map (fun _ -> ()) xx let seq = let rec aux xs = function | [] -> mid (List.rev xs) | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun x -> aux (x::xs) xxs in fun xxs -> aux [] xxs let rec seq_ignore = function | [] -> mid () | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun () -> seq_ignore xxs let do_when res xx = if res then xx else mid () let do_unless res xx = if res then mid () else xx end module Monad2FromJoin(B : JOIN2) : MONAD2 with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t and type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result = struct let join = B.join let (>>=) xx k = join (B.map k xx) include Applicative2FromBind(struct include B let (>>=) = (>>=) let map = `Custom B.map end) type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result let run = B.run let (>=>) j k = fun a -> j a >>= k let (<=<) k j = fun a -> j a >>= k let ignore xx = map (fun _ -> ()) xx let seq = let rec aux xs = function | [] -> mid (List.rev xs) | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun x -> aux (x::xs) xxs in fun xxs -> aux [] xxs let rec seq_ignore = function | [] -> mid () | xx::xxs -> xx >>= fun () -> seq_ignore xxs let do_when res xx = if res then xx else mid () let do_unless res xx = if res then mid () else xx end module Monad2FromT(B : TRANS2) : MONAD2T with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t and type ('a,'d) ut := ('a,'d) B.U.t and type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result = struct include Monad2FromBind(struct include B let mid x = hoist U.(mid x) let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate end) let hoist = B.hoist end module Monad2FromTUZ(B : TRANSUZ2) : MONADZERO2T with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t and type ('a,'d) ut := ('a,'d) B.U.t and type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result = struct include Monad2FromBind(struct include B let mid x = hoist U.(mid x) let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate end) let hoist = B.hoist let mzero = Obj.magic (B.hoist (B.U.mzero)) (* Obj.magic hack to generate enough polymorphism without having to thunk mzero *) let guard res = if res then mid () else mzero end module Monad2FromTZ(B : TRANSZ2) : MONADZERO2T with type ('a,'d) t = ('a,'d) B.t and type ('a,'d) ut := ('a,'d) B.U.t and type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) B.result = struct include Monad2FromBind(struct include B let mid x = hoist U.(mid x) let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate end) let hoist = B.hoist let mzero = B.mzero let guard res = if res then mid () else mzero end end (* Make *) module type OPTION = sig include MONADZERO with type 'a result = 'a option val test : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t end module type OPTIONT = sig type 'a uresult include MONADT with type 'a result = 'a option uresult val test : ('a option ut -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t end module Option = struct include Juli8.Option module type EXTRA = sig type 'a t val test : ('a option (* U.t *) -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t end module type EXTRA2 = sig type ('a,'d) t val test : ('a option -> bool) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t end module M : OPTION = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = 'a option type 'a result = 'a t let run xx = xx let map = `Custom map let map2 = `Custom map2 let mapply = `Generate let mid = some (* val (>>=) : 'a option -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option *) let (>>=) xx k = match xx with Some x -> (try k x with Match_failure _ -> None) | None -> None end) let mzero = None let guard res : unit t = if res then Some () else None let test p xx = if p xx then xx else None end (* Option.M *) module M2 : sig include MONADZERO2 with type ('a,'d) result = 'a option include EXTRA2 with type ('a,'d) t := ('a,'d) t end = struct include Make.Monad2FromBind(struct type ('a,'d) t = 'a option type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) t let run xx = xx let map = `Custom map let map2 = `Custom map2 let mapply = `Generate let mid = some let (>>=) xx k = match xx with Some x -> (try k x with Match_failure _ -> None) | None -> None end) let mzero = None let guard res : (unit,'d) t = if res then Some () else None let test p xx = if p xx then xx else None end (* Option.M2 *) module T(U : MONAD) : OPTIONT with type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct include Make.MonadFromTZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = 'a option U.t type 'a result = 'a option U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (Some u)) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= function Some x -> k x | None -> mid None) let mzero = Obj.magic U.(mid None) end) let test p xx = if p xx then xx else U.mid None end (* Option.T *) module T2(U : MONAD2) : sig include MONADZERO2T with type ('a,'d) result = ('a option, 'd) U.result and type ('a,'d) ut := ('a,'d) U.t include EXTRA2 with type ('a,'d) t := ('a,'d) t val test : (('a option,'d) U.t -> bool) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t end = struct include Make.Monad2FromTZ(struct module U = U type ('a,'d) t = ('a option,'d) U.t type ('a,'d) result = ('a option,'d) U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (Some u)) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= function Some x -> k x | None -> mid None) let mzero = Obj.magic U.(mid None) end) let test p xx = if p xx then xx else U.mid None end (* Option.T2 *) end (* Option *) module type LIST = sig include MONADZERO with type 'a result = 'a list val (++) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t (* monadically append *) val pick : 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) t (* monadically pick each element *) val test : ('a list -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t end module type LISTT = sig type 'a uresult include MONADZEROT with type 'a result = 'a list uresult val (++) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t (* monadically append *) val pick : 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) t (* monadically pick each element *) val test : ('a list ut -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t (* Monadically seq k over box. OptionM.seq (List.map (\a -> OptionM.mid $ a+1) int_list) == (after running) ListOption.distribute (\a -> OptionM.mid $ a+1) int_list == Some [x+1,x+1,...] TreeOption.distribute (\a -> OptionM.mid $ a+1) int_tree: works similarly *) val distribute : ('a -> 'b ut) -> 'a list -> 'b t end module List = struct include Juli8.List module type EXTRA2 = sig type ('a,'d) t val (++) : ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t val pick : ('a,'d) t -> ('a * ('a,'d) t,'d) t val test : ('a list -> bool) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t end module M : LIST = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = 'a list type 'a result = 'a t let run xx = xx let map = `Custom (fun f xs -> map f xs) let map2 = `Custom (fun f xs -> map2 f xs) let mapply = `Generate let mid = singleton let (>>=) xx k = catmap (fun x -> try k x with Match_failure _ -> []) xx end) let mzero = [] let guard res : unit t = if res then [()] else [] (* (++) has tighter precedence than (>>=) *) let (++) = append let rec pick = function [] -> mzero | x::xs -> mid (x,xs) ++ (pick xs >>= fun (y,ys) -> mid (y, x::ys)) let test p xx = if p xx then xx else [] end (* List.M *) module M2 : sig include MONADZERO2 with type ('a,'d) result = 'a list include EXTRA2 with type ('a,'d) t := ('a,'d) t end = struct include Make.Monad2FromBind(struct type ('a,'d) t = 'a list type ('a,'d) result = ('a,'d) t let run xx = xx let map = `Custom (fun f xs -> map f xs) let map2 = `Custom (fun f xs -> map2 f xs) let mapply = `Generate let mid = singleton let (>>=) xx k = catmap (fun x -> try k x with Match_failure _ -> []) xx end) let mzero = [] let guard res : (unit,'d) t = if res then [()] else [] let (++) = append let rec pick = function [] -> mzero | x::xs -> mid (x,xs) ++ (pick xs >>= fun (y,ys) -> mid (y, x::ys)) let test p xx = if p xx then xx else [] end (* List.M2 *) module T(U : MONAD) : LISTT with type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct let distribute k xs = U.seq (List.map k xs) include Make.MonadFromTZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = 'a list U.t type 'a result = 'a list U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid [u]) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= fun xs -> distribute k xs >>= fun xss -> mid (concat xss)) let mzero = Obj.magic U.(mid []) end) let (++) xx yy = U.(xx >>= fun xs -> yy >>= fun ys -> mid (append xs ys)) let rec pick xx = U.(>>=) xx (function [] -> mzero | x::xs -> mid (x, U.(mid xs)) ++ (pick U.(mid xs) >>= fun (y,yy) -> mid (y, U.(yy >>= fun ys -> mid (x::ys))))) let test p xx = if p xx then xx else U.mid [] end (* List.T *) module T2(U : MONAD2) : sig include MONADZERO2T with type ('a,'d) result = ('a list,'d) U.result and type ('a,'d) ut := ('a,'d) U.t include EXTRA2 with type ('a,'d) t := ('a,'d) t val test : (('a list,'d) U.t -> bool) -> ('a,'d) t -> ('a,'d) t val distribute : ('a -> ('b,'d) U.t) -> 'a list -> ('b,'d) t end = struct let distribute k xs = U.seq (List.map k xs) include Make.Monad2FromTZ(struct module U = U type ('a,'d) t = ('a list,'d) U.t type ('a,'d) result = ('a list,'d) U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid [u]) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= fun xs -> distribute k xs >>= fun xss -> mid (concat xss)) let mzero = Obj.magic U.(mid []) end) let (++) xx yy = U.(xx >>= fun xs -> yy >>= fun ys -> mid (append xs ys)) let rec pick xx = U.(>>=) xx (function [] -> mzero | x::xs -> mid (x, U.(mid xs)) ++ (pick U.(mid xs) >>= fun (y,yy) -> mid (y, U.(yy >>= fun ys -> mid (x::ys))))) let test p xx = if p xx then xx else U.mid [] end (* List.T2 *) end (* List *) (* LTree, unit centers, has natural ++ *) (* ITree, unit leaves, has natural mzero *) module type TREE = sig type 'a tree include MONAD with type 'a result = 'a tree val (++) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t (* monadically append *) end module type TREET = sig type 'a tree type 'a uresult include MONADT with type 'a result = 'a tree uresult val (++) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t (* monadically append *) (* Monadically seq k over box. OptionM.seq (List.map (\a -> OptionM.mid $ a+1) int_list) == (after running) ListOption.distribute (\a -> OptionM.mid $ a+1) int_list == Some [x+1,x+1,...] TreeOption.distribute (\a -> OptionM.mid $ a+1) int_tree: works similarly *) val distribute : ('a -> 'b ut) -> 'a tree -> 'b t end module LTree = struct type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Branch of 'a tree * 'a tree let branch x y = Branch(x,y) let leaf x = Leaf x let traverse ((++) : 'b -> 'b -> 'b) (k : 'a -> 'b) (xt : 'a tree) : 'b = let rec aux = function | Leaf x -> k x | Branch(l, r) -> (* recursive application of k may delete a branch? *) aux l ++ aux r in aux xt let map (f : 'a -> 'b) (xt : 'a tree) = let rec aux = function | Leaf x -> Leaf (f x) | Branch(l, r) -> Branch(aux l, aux r) in aux xt module M : TREE with type 'a tree := 'a tree = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = 'a tree type 'a result = 'a t let run xx = xx let map = `Custom map let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate let mid = leaf let (>>=) xx k = traverse branch k xx end) let (++) xx yy = Branch(xx, yy) end (* Tree.M *) module T(U : MONAD) : TREET with type 'a tree := 'a tree and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (Leaf u)) let distribute k xt = traverse (U.map2 branch) (fun x -> hoist (k x)) xt include Make.MonadFromT(struct module U = U type 'a t = 'a tree U.t type 'a result = 'a tree U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist = hoist let join xtt = traverse branch ident xtt let (>>=) xx k = U.(>>=) xx (fun xt -> U.(>>=) (distribute k xt) (fun xtt -> U.mid (join xtt))) end) let (++) xx yy = U.(xx >>= fun xt -> yy >>= fun yt -> mid (Branch(xt,yt))) end (* Tree.T *) module Z(U : MONADZERO) : sig include TREET with type 'a tree := 'a tree and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end = struct let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (Leaf u)) let distribute k xt = traverse (U.map2 branch) (fun x -> hoist (k x)) xt include Make.MonadFromTUZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = 'a tree U.t type 'a result = 'a tree U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist = hoist let join xtt = traverse branch ident xtt let (>>=) xx k = U.(>>=) xx (fun xt -> U.(>>=) (distribute k xt) (fun xtt -> U.mid (join xtt))) end) let (++) xx yy = U.(xx >>= fun xt -> yy >>= fun yt -> mid (Branch(xt,yt))) end (* Tree.Z *) end (* Tree *) module Identity = struct module M : sig include MONAD with type 'a result = 'a end = struct include Make.MonadFromComp(struct type 'a t = 'a type 'a result = 'a t let run xx = xx let map = `Custom (fun f x -> f x) let map2 = `Custom (fun f x y -> f x y) let mapply = `Custom (fun f x -> f x) let mid = ident let (>=>) j k = fun x -> k (j x) end) end end module type READER = sig type env include MONAD with type 'a result = env -> 'a val ask : env t val asks : (env -> 'a) -> 'a t val shift : (env -> env) -> 'a t -> 'a t end module type READERT = sig type env type 'a uresult include MONADT with type 'a result = env -> 'a uresult val ask : env t val asks : (env -> 'a) -> 'a t val shift : (env -> env) -> 'a t -> 'a t end (* must be parameterized on `struct type env = ... end` *) module Reader(E : sig type env end) = struct type env = E.env module M : READER with type env := env = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = env -> 'a type 'a result = 'a t let run xx = fun e -> xx e let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate let mid x = fun e -> x let (>>=) xx k = fun e -> let x = xx e in let xx' = k x in xx' e end) let ask = fun e -> e let asks selector = ask >>= (fun e -> mid (selector e)) (* may fail with Not_found *) let shift modifier xx = fun e -> xx (modifier e) end (* Reader.M *) module T(U : MONAD) : READERT with type env := env and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct include Make.MonadFromT(struct module U = U type 'a t = env -> 'a U.t type 'a result = env -> 'a U.result let run xx = fun e -> U.run (xx e) let hoist uu = fun e -> uu let (>>=) xx k = fun e -> U.(xx e >>= fun x -> k x e) end) let ask = U.mid let asks selector = ask >>= (fun e -> mid (selector e)) (* may fail with Not_found *) let shift modifier xx = fun e -> xx (modifier e) end (* Reader.T *) module Z(U : MONADZERO) : sig include READERT with type env := env and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end = struct include Make.MonadFromTUZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = env -> 'a U.t type 'a result = env -> 'a U.result let run xx = fun e -> U.run (xx e) let hoist uu = fun e -> uu let (>>=) xx k = fun e -> U.(xx e >>= fun x -> k x e) end) let ask = U.mid let asks selector = ask >>= (fun e -> try mid (selector e) with Not_found -> mzero) let shift modifier xx = fun e -> xx (modifier e) end (* Reader.Z *) end (* Reader *) module type STATE = sig type store include MONAD with type 'a result = store -> 'a * store val get : store t val gets : (store -> 'a) -> 'a t val put : store -> unit t val modify : (store -> store) -> unit t end module type STATET = sig type store type 'a uresult include MONADT with type 'a result = store -> ('a * store) uresult val get : store t val gets : (store -> 'a) -> 'a t val put : store -> unit t val modify : (store -> store) -> unit t end (* must be parameterized on `struct type store = ... end` *) module State(S : sig type store end) = struct type store = S.store module M : STATE with type store := store = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = store -> 'a * store type 'a result = 'a t let run xx = fun s -> xx s let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate let mid x = fun s -> x, s let (>>=) xx k = fun s -> let (x,s') = xx s in let xx' = k x in xx' s' end) let get = fun s -> s,s (* `gets viewer` is `map viewer get` *) let gets viewer = fun s -> viewer s, s (* may fail with Not_found *) let put s = fun _ -> (), s let modify modifier = fun s -> (), modifier s end (* State.M *) module T(U : MONAD) : STATET with type store := store and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct include Make.MonadFromT(struct module U = U type 'a t = store -> ('a * store) U.t type 'a result = store -> ('a * store) U.result let run xx = fun s -> U.run (xx s) let hoist uu = fun s -> U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (u, s)) let (>>=) xx k = fun s -> U.(xx s >>= fun (x,s') -> k x s') end) let get = fun s -> U.mid (s,s) let gets viewer = fun s -> U.mid (viewer s, s) (* may fail with Not_found *) let put s = fun _ -> U.mid ((), s) let modify modifier = fun s -> U.mid ((), modifier s) end (* State.T *) module Z(U : MONADZERO) : sig include STATET with type store := store and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end = struct include Make.MonadFromTUZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = store -> ('a * store) U.t type 'a result = store -> ('a * store) U.result let run xx = fun s -> U.run (xx s) let hoist uu = fun s -> U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (u, s)) let (>>=) xx k = fun s -> U.(xx s >>= fun (x,s') -> k x s') end) let get = fun s -> U.mid (s,s) let gets viewer = fun s -> try U.mid (viewer s, s) with Not_found -> mzero s let put s = fun _ -> U.mid ((), s) let modify modifier = fun s -> U.mid ((), modifier s) end (* State.Z *) end (* State *) module type REF = sig type ref type value include MONAD with type 'a result = 'a val newref : value -> ref t val deref : ref -> value t val change : ref -> value -> unit t end module type REFT = sig type ref type value type 'a uresult include MONADT with type 'a result = 'a uresult val newref : value -> ref t val deref : ref -> value t val change : ref -> value -> unit t end (* State with a different interface; must be parameterized on `struct type value = ... end` *) module Ref(V : sig type value end) = struct type ref = int type value = V.value module D = Map.Make(struct type t = ref let compare = compare end) type dict = { next : ref; tree : value D.t } let empty = { next = 0; tree = D.empty } let alloc v d = d.next, { next = succ d.next; tree = D.add d.next v d.tree} let read (k : ref) d = D.find k d.tree let write (k : ref) v d = { next = d.next; tree = D.add k v d.tree } module M : REF with type value := value and type ref := ref = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = dict -> 'a * dict type 'a result = 'a let run xx = fst (xx empty) let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate let mid x = fun s -> x, s let (>>=) xx k = fun s -> let (x,s') = xx s in let xx' = k x in xx' s' end) let newref v = fun s -> alloc v s let deref k = fun s -> read k s, s (* shouldn't fail because k will have an abstract type? and we never GC *) let change k v = fun s -> (), write k v s (* shouldn't allocate because k will have an abstract type *) end (* Ref.M *) module T(U : MONAD) : REFT with type value := value and type ref := ref and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct include Make.MonadFromT(struct module U = U type 'a t = dict -> ('a * dict) U.t type 'a result = 'a U.result let run xx = let uu = U.(xx empty >>= fun (x,s) -> mid x) in U.run uu let hoist uu = fun s -> U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (u, s)) let (>>=) xx k = fun s -> U.(xx s >>= fun (x,s') -> k x s') end) let newref v = fun s -> U.mid (alloc v s) let deref k = fun s -> U.mid (read k s, s) let change k v = fun s -> U.mid ((), write k v s) end (* Ref.T *) module Z(U : MONADZERO) : sig include REFT with type value := value and type ref := ref and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end = struct include Make.MonadFromTUZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = dict -> ('a * dict) U.t type 'a result = 'a U.result let run xx = let uu = U.(xx empty >>= fun (x,s) -> mid x) in U.run uu let hoist uu = fun s -> U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (u, s)) let (>>=) xx k = fun s -> U.(xx s >>= fun (x,s') -> k x s') end) let newref v = fun s -> U.mid (alloc v s) let deref k = fun s -> U.mid (read k s, s) let change k v = fun s -> U.mid ((), write k v s) end (* Ref.Z *) end (* Ref *) module type WRITER = sig type log include MONAD with type 'a result = 'a * log val listen : 'a t -> ('a * log) t val listens : (log -> 'b) -> 'a t -> ('a * 'b) t val tell : log -> unit t (* val pass : ('a * (log -> log)) t -> 'a t *) val censor : (log -> log) -> 'a t -> 'a t end module type WRITERT = sig type log type 'a uresult include MONADT with type 'a result = ('a * log) uresult val listen : 'a t -> ('a * log) t val listens : (log -> 'b) -> 'a t -> ('a * 'b) t val tell : log -> unit t (* val pass : ('a * (log -> log)) t -> 'a t *) val censor : (log -> log) -> 'a t -> 'a t end (* must be parameterized on `struct type log = ... end` *) module Writer(W : sig type log val empty : log val append : log -> log -> log end) = struct type log = W.log module M : WRITER with type log := log = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = 'a * log type 'a result = 'a t let run xx = xx let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate let mid x = x, W.empty let (>>=) (x,w) k = let (y,w') = k x in (y, W.append w w') end) let listen (x,w) = (x,w), w let listens selector xx = listen xx >>= fun (x,w) -> mid (x,selector w) (* filter listen through selector *) let tell entries = (), entries (* add to log *) let pass ((x,c),w) = (x, c w) (* usually use censor *) let censor c xx = pass (xx >>= fun x -> mid (x,c)) (* ==> (x, c w) *) end (* Writer.M *) module T(U : MONAD) : WRITERT with type log := log and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct include Make.MonadFromT(struct module U = U type 'a t = ('a * log) U.t type 'a result = ('a * log) U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (u, W.empty)) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= fun (x,w) -> k x >>= fun (y,w') -> mid (y, W.append w w')) end) let listen xx = U.(xx >>= fun (x,w) -> mid ((x,w),w)) let listens selector xx = listen xx >>= fun (x,w) -> mid (x,selector w) let tell entries = U.mid ((), entries) let pass xx = U.(xx >>= fun ((x,c),w) -> mid (x, c w)) let censor c xx = pass (xx >>= fun x -> mid (x,c)) end (* Writer.T *) module Z(U : MONADZERO) : sig include WRITERT with type log := log and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end = struct include Make.MonadFromTUZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = ('a * log) U.t type 'a result = ('a * log) U.result let run xx = U.run xx let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (u, W.empty)) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= fun (x,w) -> k x >>= fun (y,w') -> mid (y, W.append w w')) end) let listen xx = U.(xx >>= fun (x,w) -> mid ((x,w),w)) let listens selector xx = listen xx >>= fun (x,w) -> mid (x,selector w) let tell entries = U.mid ((), entries) let pass xx = U.(xx >>= fun ((x,c),w) -> mid (x, c w)) let censor c xx = pass (xx >>= fun x -> mid (x,c)) end (* Writer.Z *) end (* Writer *) module type ERROR = sig type msg type 'a error include MONAD with type 'a result = 'a error val throw : msg -> 'a t val catch : 'a t -> (msg -> 'a t) -> 'a t end module type ERRORT = sig type msg type 'a error type 'a uresult include MONADT with type 'a result = 'a uresult (* note the difference from ERROR *) val throw : msg -> 'a t val catch : 'a t -> (msg -> 'a t) -> 'a t end (* must be parameterized on `struct type msg = ... end` *) module Error(E : sig type msg exception Exc of msg (* Exc used only by T *) end) = struct type msg = E.msg type 'a error = Error of msg | OK of 'a module M : ERROR with type msg := msg and type 'a error := 'a error = struct include Make.MonadFromBind(struct type 'a t = 'a error type 'a result = 'a t (* note that M.run doesn't raise *) let run xx = xx let map = `Generate let map2 = `Generate let mapply = `Generate let mid x = OK x let (>>=) xx k = match xx with OK x -> k x | Error e -> Error e end) let throw e = Error e let catch xx handler = match xx with OK _ -> xx | Error e -> handler e end (* Error.M *) module T(U : MONAD) : ERRORT with type msg := msg and type 'a error := 'a error and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t = struct include Make.MonadFromT(struct module U = U type 'a t = 'a error U.t type 'a result = 'a U.result (* note that T.run does raise *) let run xx = let uu = U.(xx >>= function OK x -> mid x | Error e -> raise (E.Exc e)) in U.run uu let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (OK u)) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= function OK x -> k x | Error e -> mid (Error e)) end) let throw e = U.mid (Error e) let catch xx handler = U.(xx >>= function OK _ as x -> mid x | Error e -> handler e) end (* Error.T *) module Z(U : MONADZERO) : sig include ERRORT with type msg := msg and type 'a error := 'a error and type 'a uresult := 'a U.result and type 'a ut := 'a U.t include ZERO with type 'a t := 'a t end = struct include Make.MonadFromTUZ(struct module U = U type 'a t = 'a error U.t type 'a result = 'a U.result (* we recover from error by using U's mzero; but this discards the error msg *) let run xx = let uu = U.(xx >>= function OK x -> mid x | Error e -> mzero) in U.run uu let hoist uu = U.(uu >>= fun u -> mid (OK u)) let (>>=) xx k = U.(xx >>= function OK x -> k x | Error e -> mid (Error e)) end) let throw e = U.mid (Error e) let catch xx handler = U.(xx >>= function OK _ as x -> mid x | Error e -> handler e) end (* Error.Z *) end (* Error *) (* predefine some common instances *) module Writer1 = Writer(struct type log = string let empty = "" let append s1 s2 = if s2 = "" then s1 else if s1 = "" then s2 else s1 ^ "\n" ^ s2 end) module Writer2 = struct include Writer(struct type log = string list let empty = [] let append s1 s2 = List.append s2 s1 end) (* FIXME these aren't inside M *) let tell_string s = M.tell [s] let tell entries = M.tell (List.rev entries) let run xx = let (x,w) = M.run xx in (x, List.rev w) end module Failure = Error(struct type msg = string exception Exc = Failure end) end (* Monad *) module Option = Monad.Option module List = Monad.List