(* *) module Private = struct type var_t = int*string let var v = (0,v) let string_of_var (i,v) = v ^ String.make i '\'' let equal_var (i1,v1) (i2,v2) = i1 == i2 && (String.compare v1 v2 == 0) type lambda_t = [ `Var of var_t | `Lam of var_t * lambda_t | `App of lambda_t * lambda_t ] type debruijn_t = [ `Var of var_t | `DVar of int | `DLam of debruijn_t | `DApp of debruijn_t*debruijn_t ] let db_subst (expr : debruijn_t) (m : int) (repl : debruijn_t) = let rec rename m i = function | `Var _ as term -> term | `DVar j as term when j < i -> term | `DVar j -> `DVar (j + m - 1) | `DApp(n1,n2) -> `DApp(rename m i n1, rename m i n2) | `DLam n -> `DLam(rename m (i+1) n) in let rec loop m = function | `Var _ as term -> term | `DVar n as term when n < m -> term | `DVar n when n > m -> `DVar (n-1) | `DVar n -> rename n 1 repl | `DApp(m1,m2) -> `DApp(loop m m1, loop m m2) | `DLam mterm -> `DLam(loop (m+1) mterm) in loop m expr let db (expr : lambda_t) : debruijn_t = let pos seq (target : var_t) handler default = let rec loop (i : int) = function | [] -> default | x::xs when equal_var x target -> handler i | _::xs -> loop (i+1) xs in loop 1 seq in let rec loop seq = function | `Var v as term -> pos seq v (fun i -> `DVar i) term | `Lam (v,t) -> `DLam(loop (v::seq) t) | `App (t1,t2) -> `DApp(loop seq t1, loop seq t2) in loop [] expr let rec db_equal (t1 : debruijn_t) (t2 : debruijn_t) = match (t1,t2) with | (`Var v1,`Var v2) -> equal_var v1 v2 | (`DVar i1, `DVar i2) -> i1 == i2 | (`DApp(m1,m2),`DApp(n1,n2)) -> db_equal m1 n1 && db_equal m2 n2 | (`DLam(t1),`DLam(t2)) -> db_equal t1 t2 | _ -> false let rec db_contains (t1 : debruijn_t) (t2 : debruijn_t) = match (t1,t2) with | (`Var v1,`Var v2) -> equal_var v1 v2 | (`DVar i1, `DVar i2) -> i1 == i2 | (`DApp(m1,m2),`DApp(n1,n2)) when db_equal m1 n1 && db_equal m2 n2 -> true | (`DApp(m1,m2), term) -> db_contains m1 term || db_contains m2 term | (`DLam(t1),`DLam(t2)) when db_equal t1 t2 -> true | (`DLam(t1), term) -> db_contains t1 term | _ -> false (* non-normalizing string_of_lambda *) let string_of_lambda (expr : lambda_t) = let rec top = function | `Var v -> string_of_var v | `Lam _ as t -> "fun " ^ funct t | `App ((`App _ as t1),t2) -> top t1 ^ " " ^ atom t2 | `App (t1,t2) -> atom t1 ^ " " ^ atom t2 and atom = function | `Var v -> string_of_var v | `Lam _ as t -> "(fun " ^ funct t ^ ")" | `App _ as t -> "(" ^ top t ^ ")" and funct = function | `Lam (v,(`Lam _ as t)) -> (string_of_var v) ^ " " ^ funct t | `Lam (v,t) -> (string_of_var v) ^ " -> " ^ top t in top expr (* evaluator based on http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/Lambda_calc.lhs *) (* if v occurs free_in term, returns Some v' where v' is the highest-tagged * variable with the same name as v occurring (free or bound) in term *) let free_in ((tag, name) as v) term = let rec loop = function | `Var((tag', name') as v') -> if name <> name' then false, v else if tag = tag' then true, v else false, v' | `App(t1, t2) -> let b1, ((tag1, _) as v1) = loop t1 in let b2, ((tag2, _) as v2) = loop t2 in b1 || b2, if tag1 > tag2 then v1 else v2 | `Lam(x, _) when x = v -> (false, v) | `Lam(_, body) -> loop body in match loop term with | false, _ -> None | true, v -> Some v let rec subst v st = function | term when st = `Var v -> term | `Var x when x = v -> st | `Var _ as term -> term | `App(t1,t2) -> `App(subst v st t1, subst v st t2) | `Lam(x, _) as term when x = v -> term (* if x is free in the inserted term st, a capture is possible * we handle by ... *) | `Lam(x, body) -> (match free_in x st with (* x not free in st, can substitute st for v without any captures *) | None -> `Lam(x, subst v st body) (* x free in st, need to alpha-convert `Lam(x, body) *) | Some max_x -> let bump_tag (tag, name) (tag', _) = (max tag tag') + 1, name in let bump_tag' ((_, name) as v1) ((_, name') as v2) = if name = name' then bump_tag v1 v2 else v1 in (* bump x > max_x from st, then check whether * it also needs to be bumped > v *) let uniq_x = bump_tag' (bump_tag x max_x) v in let uniq_x' = (match free_in uniq_x body with | None -> uniq_x (* bump uniq_x > max_x' from body *) | Some max_x' -> bump_tag uniq_x max_x' ) in (* alpha-convert body *) let body' = subst x (`Var uniq_x') body in (* now substitute st for v *) `Lam(uniq_x', subst v st body') ) let check_eta = function | `Lam(v, `App(t, `Var u)) when v = u && free_in v t = None -> t | (_ : lambda_t) as term -> term exception Lambda_looping;; let eval ?(eta=false) (expr : lambda_t) : lambda_t = let rec looping (body : debruijn_t) = function | [] -> false | x::xs when db_equal body x -> true | _::xs -> looping body xs in let rec loop (stack : lambda_t list) (body : lambda_t) = match body with | `Var v as term -> unwind term stack | `App(t1, t2) as term -> loop (t2::stack) t1 | `Lam(v, body) -> (match stack with | [] -> let term = (`Lam(v, loop [] body)) in if eta then check_eta term else term | t::rest -> loop rest (subst v t body) ) and unwind t1 = function | [] -> t1 | t2::ts -> unwind (`App(t1, loop [] t2)) ts in loop [] expr (* (Oleg's version of) Ken's evaluator; doesn't seem to work -- requires laziness? *) let eval' ?(eta=false) (expr : lambda_t) : lambda_t = let rec loop = function | `Var v as term -> term | `Lam(v, body) -> let term = (`Lam(v, loop body)) in if eta then check_eta term else term | `App(`App _ as t1, t2) -> (match loop t1 with | `Lam _ as redux -> loop (`App(redux, t2)) | nonred_head -> `App(nonred_head, loop t2) ) | `App(t1, t2) -> `App(t1, loop t2) in loop expr let cbv ?(aggressive=true) (expr : lambda_t) : lambda_t = let rec loop = function | `Var x as term -> term | `App(t1,t2) -> let t2' = loop t2 in (match loop t1 with | `Lam(x, t) -> loop (subst x t2' t) | _ as term -> `App(term, t2') ) | `Lam(x, t) as term -> if aggressive then `Lam(x, loop t) else term in loop expr (* module Sorted = struct let rec cons y = function | x :: _ as xs when x = y -> xs | x :: xs when x < y -> x :: cons y xs | xs [* [] or x > y *] -> y :: xs let rec mem y = function | x :: _ when x = y -> true | x :: xs when x < y -> mem y xs | _ [* [] or x > y *] -> false let rec remove y = function | x :: xs when x = y -> xs | x :: xs when x < y -> x :: remove y xs | xs [* [] or x > y *] -> xs let rec merge x' y' = match x', y' with | [], ys -> ys | xs, [] -> xs | x::xs, y::ys -> if x < y then x :: merge xs y' else if x = y then x :: merge xs ys else [* x > y *] y :: merge x' ys end let free_vars (expr : lambda_t) : string list = let rec loop = function | `Var x -> [x] | `Lam(x,t) -> Sorted.remove x (loop t) | `App(t1,t2) -> Sorted.merge (loop t1) (loop t2) in loop expr let free_in v (expr : lambda_t) = Sorted.mem v (free_vars t) let new_var = let counter = ref 0 in fun () -> (let z = !counter in incr counter; "_v"^(string_of_int z)) ... | `Lam(x, body) as term when not (free_in v body) -> term | `Lam(y, body) when not (free_in y st) -> `Lam(y, subst v st body) | `Lam(y, body) -> let z = new_var () in subst v st (`Lam(z, subst y (`Var z) body)) *) (* let bound_vars (expr : lambda_t) : string list = let rec loop = function | `Var x -> [] | `Lam(x,t) -> Sorted.cons x (loop t) | `App(t1,t2) -> Sorted.merge (loop t1) (loop t2) in loop expr let reduce_cbv ?(aggressive=true) (expr : lambda_t) : lambda_t = let rec loop = function | `Var x as term -> term | `App(t1,t2) -> let t2' = loop t2 in (match loop t1 with | `Lam(x, t) -> loop (subst x t2' t) | _ as term -> `App(term, t2') ) | `Lam(x, t) as term -> if aggressive then `Lam(x, loop t) else term in loop expr let reduce_cbn (expr : lambda_t) : lambda_t = let rec loop = function | `Var x as term -> term | `Lam(v, body) -> check_eta (`Lam(v, loop body)) | `App(t1,t2) -> (match loop t1 with | `Lam(x, t) -> loop (subst x t2 t) | _ as term -> `App(term, loop t2) ) in loop expr *) (* type env_t = (string * lambda_t) list let subst body x value = ((fun env -> let new_env = (x, value) :: env in body new_env) : env_t -> lambda_t) type strategy_t = By_value | By_name let eval (strategy : strategy_t) (expr : lambda_t) : lambda_t = in let rec inner = function | `Var x as t -> (fun env -> try List.assoc x env with | Not_found -> t) | `App(t1, value) -> (fun env -> let value' = if strategy = By_value then inner value env else value in (match inner t1 env with | `Lam(x, body) -> let body' = (subst (inner body) x value' env) in if strategy = By_value then body' else inner body' env | (t1' : lambda_t) -> `App(t1', inner value env) ) ) | `Lam(x, body) -> (fun env -> let v = new_var () in `Lam(v, inner body ((x,`Var v) :: env))) in inner expr ([] : env_t) let pp_env env = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> acc | (x,term)::es -> loop ((x ^ "=" ^ string_of_lambda term) :: acc) es in "[" ^ (String.concat ", " (loop [] (List.rev env))) ^ "]" let eval (strategy : strategy_t) (expr : lambda_t) : lambda_t = let new_var = let counter = ref 0 in fun () -> (let z = !counter in incr counter; "_v"^(string_of_int z)) in let rec inner term = begin Printf.printf "starting [ %s ]\n" (string_of_lambda term); let res = match term with | `Var x as t -> (fun env -> try List.assoc x env with | Not_found -> t) | `App(t1, value) -> (fun env -> let value' = if strategy = By_value then inner value env else value in (match inner t1 env with | `Lam(x, body) -> let body' = (subst (inner body) x value' env) in if strategy = By_value then body' else inner body' env | (t1' : lambda_t) -> `App(t1', inner value env) ) ) | `Lam(x, body) -> (fun env -> let v = new_var () in `Lam(v, inner body ((x,`Var v) :: env))) in (fun env -> (Printf.printf "%s with %s => %s\n" (string_of_lambda term) (pp_env env) (string_of_lambda (res env)); res env)) end in inner expr ([] : env_t) *) let normal ?(eta=false) expr = eval ~eta expr let normal_string_of_lambda ?(eta=false) (expr : lambda_t) = string_of_lambda (normal ~eta expr) let rec to_int expr = match expr with | `Lam(s, `Lam(z, `Var z')) when z' = z -> 0 | `Lam(s, `Var s') when s = s' -> 1 | `Lam(s, `Lam(z, `App (`Var s', t))) when s' = s -> 1 + to_int (`Lam(s, `Lam(z, t))) | _ -> failwith (normal_string_of_lambda expr ^ " is not a church numeral") let int_of_lambda ?(eta=false) (expr : lambda_t) = to_int (normal ~eta expr) end type lambda_t = Private.lambda_t open Private let var = var let pp, pn, pi = string_of_lambda, normal_string_of_lambda, int_of_lambda let pnv,piv= (fun expr -> string_of_lambda (cbv expr)), (fun expr -> to_int (cbv expr)) let db, db_equal, db_contains = db, db_equal, db_contains let alpha_eq x f = db_equal (db x) (db y)