Using continuations to solve the same-fringe problem ---------------------------------------------------- The problem ----------- We've seen two solutions to the same fringe problem so far. The problem, recall, is to take two trees and decide whether they have the same leaves in the same order.
 ta            tb          tc
 .             .           .
_|__          _|__        _|__
|  |          |  |        |  |
1  .          .  3        1  .
  _|__       _|__           _|__
  |  |       |  |           |  |
  2  3       1  2           3  2

let ta = Node (Leaf 1, Node (Leaf 2, Leaf 3));;
let tb = Node (Node (Leaf 1, Leaf 2), Leaf 3);;
let tc = Node (Leaf 1, Node (Leaf 3, Leaf 2));;
So `ta` and `tb` are different trees that have the same fringe, but `ta` and `tc` are not. The simplest solution is to map each tree to a list of its leaves, then compare the lists. But because we will have computed the entire fringe before starting the comparison, if the fringes differ in an early position, we've wasted our time examining the rest of the trees. The second solution was to use tree zippers and mutable state to simulate coroutines (see [[coroutines and aborts]]). In that solution, we pulled the zipper on the first tree until we found the next leaf, then stored the zipper structure in the mutable variable while we turned our attention to the other tree. Because we stopped as soon as we find the first mismatched leaf, this solution does not have the flaw just mentioned of the solution that maps both trees to a list of leaves before beginning comparison. Since zippers are just continuations reified, we expect that the solution in terms of zippers can be reworked using continuations, and this is indeed the case. Your assignment is to show how. TO-DO LIST for solving the problem ---------------------------------- 1. Review the simple but inefficient solution (easy). 2. Understand the zipper/mutable state solution in [[coroutines and aborts]] (harder). 3. Two obvious approaches: a. Review the list-zipper/list-continuation example given in class in [[from list zippers to continuations]]; then figure out how to re-functionalize the zippers used in the zipper solution. b. Review the tree_monadizer application of continuations that maps a tree to a list of leaves in [[manipulating trees with monads]]. Spend some time trying to understand exactly what it does. Suggestion: compute the transformation for a tree with two leaves, performing all beta reduction by hand using the definitions for bind_continuation and so on. If you take this route, study the description of streams (a particular kind of data structure) below. The goal will be to arrange for the continuation-flavored tree_monadizer to transform a tree into a stream instead of into a list. Once you've done that, completing the same-fringe problem will be easy. ------------------------------------- Whichever method you choose, here are some goals to consider. 1. Make sure that your solution gives the right results on the trees given above. 2. Make sure your function works on trees that contain only a single leaf, and when the two trees have different numbers of leaves. 3. Figure out a way to prove that your solution satisfies the requirements of the problem, in particular, that when the trees differ in an early position, your code does not waste time visiting the rest of the tree. One way to do this is to add print statements to your functions so that every time you visit a leaf (say), a message is printed on the output. 4. What if you had some reason to believe that the trees you were going to compare were more likely to differ in the rightmost region? What would you have to change in your solution so that it compared the fringe from right to left? Streams ------- A stream is like a list in that it contains a series of objects (all of the same type, here, type `'a`). It differs from a list in that the tail of the list is left uncomputed until needed. We will turn the stream on and off by thunking it (see class notes for [[week6]] on thunks, as well as [[assignment5]]). type 'a stream = End | Next of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream);; The first object in the stream corresponds to the head of a list, which we pair with a stream representing the rest of a the list. There is a special stream called `End` that represents a stream that contains no (more) elements, analogous to the empty list `[]`. Actually, we pair each element not with a stream, but with a thunked stream, that is, a function from the unit type to streams. The idea is that the next element in the stream is not computed until we forced the thunk by applying it to the unit:
# let rec make_int_stream i = Next (i, fun () -> make_int_stream (i + 1));;
val make_int_stream : int -> int stream = [fun]
# let int_stream = make_int_stream 1;;
val int_stream : int stream = Next (1, [fun])         (* First element: 1 *)
# match int_stream with Next (i, rest) -> rest;;      
- : unit -> int stream = [fun]                        (* Rest: a thunk *)

(* Force the thunk to compute the second element *)
# (match int_stream with Next (i, rest) -> rest) ();;
- : int stream = Next (2, [fun])      
You can think of `int_stream` as a functional object that provides access to an infinite sequence of integers, one at a time. It's as if we had written `[1;2;...]` where `...` meant "continue indefinitely".