X-Git-Url: http://lambda.jimpryor.net/git/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=assignment3.mdwn;h=e240b732b1405e176d696bbab3c5974a1d125f35;hb=3ef22cae11ec60126584496a6923b967510e70ad;hp=d00dba0b2cbbfa44a6adc84668e145aa6e96a7b6;hpb=97cbee46cb35e1eb7aa5ea5f8b1af3583f5b7522;p=lambda.git diff --git a/assignment3.mdwn b/assignment3.mdwn index d00dba0b..e240b732 100644 --- a/assignment3.mdwn +++ b/assignment3.mdwn @@ -1,95 +1,151 @@ Assignment 3 ------------ +Erratum corrected 11PM Sun 3 Oct: the following line + + let tb = (make_list t12 (make_list t3 empty)) in + +originally read + + let tb = (make_list t12 t3) in + +This has been corrected below, and in the preloaded evaluator for +working on assignment 3, available here: [[assignment 3 evaluator]]. + +
+ Once again, the lambda evaluator will make working through this assignment much faster and more secure. -*Writing recursive functions on version 1 style lists* - -Recall that version 1 style lists are constructed like this: - - - -do eta-reductions too - - - - - -
+#Writing recursive functions on version 1 style lists#
+Recall that version 1 style lists are constructed like this (see
+[[lists and numbers]]):
+	; booleans
+	let true = \x y. x in
+	let false = \x y. y in
+	let and = \l r. l (r true false) false in
+	let make_pair = \f s g. g f s in
+	let get_fst = true in
+	let get_snd = false in
+	let empty = make_pair true junk in
+	let isempty = \x. x get_fst in
+	let make_list = \h t. make_pair false (make_pair h t) in
+	let head = \l. isempty l err (l get_snd get_fst) in
+	let tail = \l. isempty l err (l get_snd get_snd) in
+	; a list of numbers to experiment on
+	let mylist = make_list 1 (make_list 2 (make_list 3 empty)) in
+	; church numerals
+	let iszero = \n. n (\x. false) true in
+	let succ = \n s z. s (n s z) in
+	let add = \l r. l succ r in
+	let mul = \m n s. m (n s) in
+	let pred = (\shift n. n shift (make\_pair 0 0) get\_snd) (\p. p (\x y. make\_pair (succ x) x)) in
+	let leq = \m n. iszero(n pred m) in
+	let eq = \m n. and (leq m n)(leq n m) in
+	; a fixed-point combinator for defining recursive functions
+	let Y = \f. (\h. f (h h)) (\h. f (h h)) in
+	let length = Y (\length l. isempty l 0 (succ (length (tail l)))) in
+	let fold = Y (\f l g z. isempty l z (g (head l)(f (tail l) g z))) in
+	eq 2 2 yes no
+Then `length mylist` evaluates to 3.
+1. What does `head (tail (tail mylist))` evaluate to?
+2. Using the `length` function as a model, and using the predecessor
+function, write a function that computes factorials.  (Recall that n!,
+the factorial of n, is n times the factorial of n-1.)
+	Warning: it takes a long time for my browser to compute factorials larger than 4!
+3. (Easy) Write a function `equal_length` that returns true just in case
+two lists have the same length.  That is,
+		equal_length mylist (make_list junk (make_list junk (make_list junk empty))) ~~> true
+		equal_length mylist (make_list junk (make_list junk empty))) ~~> false
+4. (Still easy) Now write the same function, but don't use the length
+5. In assignment 2, we discovered that version 3-type lists (the ones
+work like Church numerals) made it much easier to define operations
+like `map` and `filter`.  But now that we have recursion in our
+reasonable map and filter functions for version 1 lists are within our
+reach.  Give definitions for `map` and a `filter` for verson 1 type
+#Computing with trees#
+Linguists analyze natural language expressions into trees.
+We'll need trees in future weeks, and tree structures provide good
+opportunities for learning how to write recursive functions.
+Making use of the resources we have at the moment, we can approximate
+trees as follows: instead of words, we'll use Church numerals.
+Then a tree will be a (version 1 type) list in which each element is
+itself a tree.  For simplicity, we'll adopt the convention that
+a tree of length 1 must contain a number as its only element.
+Then we have the following representations:
+   (a)           (b)             (c)
+    .
+   /|\            /\              /\
+  / | \          /\ 3            1 /\
+  1 2  3        1  2               2 3
+[[1];[2];[3]]  [[[1];[2]];[3]]   [[1];[[2];[3]]]
- + +Limitations of this scheme include the following: there is no easy way +to label a constituent with a syntactic category (S or NP or VP, +etc.), and there is no way to represent a tree in which a mother has a +single daughter. + +When processing a tree, you can test for whether the tree contains +only a numeral (in which case the tree is leaf node) by testing for +whether the length of the list is less than or equal to 1. This will +be your base case for your recursive functions that operate on these +trees. + +
  1. Write a function that sums the values at the leaves in a tree. + +Expected behavior: + + let t1 = (make_list 1 empty) in + let t2 = (make_list 2 empty) in + let t3 = (make_list 3 empty) in + let t12 = (make_list t1 (make_list t2 empty)) in + let t23 = (make_list t2 (make_list t3 empty)) in + let ta = (make_list t1 t23) in + let tb = (make_list t12 (make_list t3 empty)) in + let tc = (make_list t1 (make_list t23 empty)) in + + sum-leaves t1 ~~> 1 + sum-leaves t2 ~~> 2 + sum-leaves t3 ~~> 3 + sum-leaves t12 ~~> 3 + sum-leaves t23 ~~> 5 + sum-leaves ta ~~> 6 + sum-leaves tb ~~> 6 + sum-leaves tc ~~> 6 + + +
  2. Write a function that counts the number of leaves. + +