X-Git-Url: http://lambda.jimpryor.net/git/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=week7.mdwn;h=abb6cfe82690c24556155b8dcf0b730bddcc2535;hb=00fb05d9ee37681282813893ee69ed7441fe1273;hp=fe9bedb8aec9745285f783b97f438381de6a2015;hpb=505704532a701f9e2ffad2ab7af9e028fdabef3f;p=lambda.git diff --git a/week7.mdwn b/week7.mdwn index fe9bedb8..abb6cfe8 100644 --- a/week7.mdwn +++ b/week7.mdwn @@ -58,12 +58,11 @@ operations. So we have to jack up the types of the inputs:
 let div' (u:int option) (v:int option) =
-  match v with
+  match u with
 	  None -> None
-    | Some 0 -> None
-	| Some y -> (match u with
-					  None -> None
-                    | Some x -> Some (x / y));;
+	| Some x -> (match v with
+				  Some 0 -> None
+				| Some y -> Some (x / y));;
 val div' : int option -> int option -> int option = 
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@ that provides at least the following three elements:
 	most straightforward way to lift an ordinary value into a monadic value
 	of the monadic type in question.
-*	Thirdly, an operation that's often called `bind`. This is another
+*	Thirdly, an operation that's often called `bind`. As we said before, this is another
 	unfortunate name: this operation is only very loosely connected to
 	what linguists usually mean by "binding." In our option/maybe monad, the
 	bind operation is:
@@ -366,7 +365,7 @@ Just like good robots, monads must obey three laws designed to prevent
 them from hurting the people that use them or themselves.
 *	**Left identity: unit is a left identity for the bind operation.**
-	That is, for all `f:'a -> 'a m`, where `'a m` is a monadic
+	That is, for all `f:'a -> 'b m`, where `'b m` is a monadic
 	type, we have `(unit x) >>= f == f x`.  For instance, `unit` is itself
 	a function of type `'a -> 'a m`, so we can use it for `f`:
@@ -378,13 +377,16 @@ them from hurting the people that use them or themselves.
 	The parentheses is the magic for telling OCaml that the
 	function to be defined (in this case, the name of the function
 	is `>>=`, pronounced "bind") is an infix operator, so we write
-	`u >>= f` or equivalently `( >>= ) u f` instead of `>>= u f`. Now:
+	`u >>= f` or equivalently `( >>= ) u f` instead of `>>= u
+	f`.
 		# unit 2;;
 		- : int option = Some 2
 		# unit 2 >>= unit;;
 		- : int option = Some 2
+	Now, for a less trivial instance of a function from `int`s to `int option`s:
 		# let divide x y = if 0 = y then None else Some (x/y);;
 		val divide : int -> int -> int option = 
 		# divide 6 2;;
@@ -402,10 +404,12 @@ them from hurting the people that use them or themselves.
 		(u >>= f) >>= g == u >>= (fun x -> f x >>= g)
-	If you don't understand why the lambda form is necessary (the "fun
-	x" part), you need to look again at the type of `bind`.
+	If you don't understand why the lambda form is necessary (the
+	"fun x -> ..." part), you need to look again at the type of `bind`.
-	Some examples of associativity in the option monad:
+	Some examples of associativity in the option monad (bear in
+	mind that in the Ocaml implementation of integer division, 2/3
+	evaluates to zero, throwing away the remainder):
 		# Some 3 >>= unit >>= unit;; 
 		- : int option = Some 3
@@ -423,7 +427,7 @@ them from hurting the people that use them or themselves.
 		- : int option = None
 Of course, associativity must hold for *arbitrary* functions of
-type `'a -> 'a m`, where `m` is the monad type.  It's easy to
+type `'a -> 'b m`, where `m` is the monad type.  It's easy to
 convince yourself that the `bind` operation for the option monad
 obeys associativity by dividing the inputs into cases: if `u`
 matches `None`, both computations will result in `None`; if
@@ -447,41 +451,38 @@ More details about monads
 If you studied algebra, you'll remember that a *monoid* is an
 associative operation with a left and right identity.  For instance,
 the natural numbers along with multiplication form a monoid with 1
-serving as the left and right identity.  That is, temporarily using
-`*` to mean arithmetic multiplication, `1 * u == u == u * 1` for all
+serving as the left and right identity.  That is, `1 * u == u == u * 1` for all
 `u`, and `(u * v) * w == u * (v * w)` for all `u`, `v`, and `w`.  As
 presented here, a monad is not exactly a monoid, because (unlike the
 arguments of a monoid operation) the two arguments of the bind are of
 different types.  But it's possible to make the connection between
 monads and monoids much closer. This is discussed in [Monads in Category
 See also .
 Here are some papers that introduced monads into functional programming:
-*	[Eugenio Moggi, Notions of Computation and Monads](http://www.disi.unige.it/person/MoggiE/ftp/ic91.pdf): Information and Computation 93 (1) 1991.
+*	[Eugenio Moggi, Notions of Computation and Monads](http://www.disi.unige.it/person/MoggiE/ftp/ic91.pdf): Information and Computation 93 (1) 1991. Would be very difficult reading for members of this seminar. However, the following two papers should be accessible.
+*	[Philip Wadler. The essence of functional programming](http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/essence/essence.ps):
+invited talk, *19'th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages*, ACM Press, Albuquerque, January 1992.
 *	[Philip Wadler. Monads for Functional Programming](http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/marktoberdorf/baastad.pdf):
 in M. Broy, editor, *Marktoberdorf Summer School on Program Design
 Calculi*, Springer Verlag, NATO ASI Series F: Computer and systems
 sciences, Volume 118, August 1992. Also in J. Jeuring and E. Meijer,
 editors, *Advanced Functional Programming*, Springer Verlag, 
-LNCS 925, 1995. Some errata fixed August 2001.  This paper has a great first
-line: **Shall I be pure, or impure?**
+LNCS 925, 1995. Some errata fixed August 2001.
-*	[Philip Wadler. The essence of functional programming](http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/essence/essence.ps):
-invited talk, *19'th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages*, ACM Press, Albuquerque, January 1992.
-*	[Daniel Friedman. A Schemer's View of Monads](/schemersviewofmonads.ps): from  but the link above is to a local copy.
-There's a long list of monad tutorials on the [[Offsite Reading]] page. Skimming the titles makes me laugh.
+There's a long list of monad tutorials on the [[Offsite Reading]] page. (Skimming the titles is somewhat amusing.) If you are confused by monads, make use of these resources. Read around until you find a tutorial pitched at a level that's helpful for you.
 In the presentation we gave above---which follows the functional programming conventions---we took `unit`/return and `bind` as the primitive operations. From these a number of other general monad operations can be derived. It's also possible to take some of the others as primitive. The [Monads in Category
-Theory](/advanced_notes/monads_in_category_theory) notes do so, for example.
+Theory](/advanced_topics/monads_in_category_theory) notes do so, for example.
 Here are some of the other general monad operations. You don't have to master these; they're collected here for your reference.
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@ that is:
 You could also do `bind u (fun x -> v)`; we use the `_` for the function argument to be explicit that that argument is never going to be used.
-The `lift` operation we asked you to define for last week's homework is a common operation. The second argument to `bind` converts `'a` values into `'b m` values---that is, into instances of the monadic type. What if we instead had a function that merely converts `'a` values into `'b` values, and we want to use it with our monadic type. Then we "lift" that function into an operation on the monad. For example:
+The `lift` operation we asked you to define for last week's homework is a common operation. The second argument to `bind` converts `'a` values into `'b m` values---that is, into instances of the monadic type. What if we instead had a function that merely converts `'a` values into `'b` values, and we want to use it with our monadic type? Then we "lift" that function into an operation on the monad. For example:
 	# let even x = (x mod 2 = 0);;
 	val g : int -> bool = 
@@ -574,15 +575,15 @@ Monad outlook
 We're going to be using monads for a number of different things in the
-weeks to come.  The first main application will be the State monad,
+weeks to come.  One major application will be the State monad,
 which will enable us to model mutation: variables whose values appear
 to change as the computation progresses.  Later, we will study the
 Continuation monad.
-In the meantime, we'll look at several linguistic applications for monads, based
-on what's called the *reader monad*.
+But first, we'll look at several linguistic applications for monads, based
+on what's called the *Reader monad*.
-##[[Reader monad]]##
+##[[Reader monad for Variable Binding]]##
-##[[Intensionality monad]]##
+##[[Reader monad for Intensionality]]##