1. Define a function zero? that expects a single number as an argument, and returns 'true if that number is 0, else returns 'false.

      zero? match lambda x. case x of
                              0 then 'true;
                              y then 'false
    in zero?
  2. Define a function empty? that expects a sequence of values as an argument (doesn't matter what type of values), and returns 'true if that sequence is the empty sequence [], else returns 'false.

      empty? match lambda xs. case xs of
                                []    then 'true;
                                _ & _ then 'false
    in empty?

    The second case clause could also just be _ then 'false.

  3. Define a function tail that expects a sequence of values as an argument (doesn't matter what type of values), and returns that sequence with the first element (if any) stripped away. (Applying tail to the empty sequence [] can just give us back the empty sequence.)

      tail match lambda xs. case xs of
                              []      then [];
                              _ & xs' then xs'
    in tail
  4. Define a function drop that expects two arguments, in the form (number, sequence), and works like this:

    drop (0, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to [10, 20, 30]
    drop (1, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to [20, 30]
    drop (2, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to [30]
    drop (3, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to []
    drop (4, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to []

      drop match lambda (n, xs). case (n, xs) of
                                   (0, _)       then xs;
                                   (_, [])      then [];
                                   (_, _ & xs') then drop (n-1, xs')
    in drop

    What is the relation between tail and drop?

      tail xs = drop (1, xs)
    in ...

    That uses the shorthand explained here, which I will continue to use below.

  5. Define a function take that expects two arguments, in the same form as drop, but works like this instead:

    take (0, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to []
    take (1, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to [10]
    take (2, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to [10, 20]
    take (3, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to [10, 20, 30]
    take (4, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to [10, 20, 30]

      take (n, xs) = case (n, xs) of
                       (0, _)        then [];
                       (_, [])       then [];
                       (_, x' & xs') then x' & take (n-1, xs')
    in take
  6. Define a function split that expects two arguments, in the same form as drop and take, but this time evaluates to a pair of results. It works like this:

    split (0, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to ([], [10, 20, 30])
    split (1, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to ([10], [20, 30])
    split (2, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to ([10, 20], [30])
    split (3, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to ([10, 20, 30], [])
    split (4, [10, 20, 30])  # evaluates to ([10, 20, 30], [])

      split (n, xs) = case (n, xs) of
                       (0, _)        then ([], xs);
                       (_, [])       then ([], []);
                       (_, x' & xs') then let
                                            (ys, zs) match split (n-1, xs')
                                          in (x' & ys, zs)
    in split
  7. Write a function filter that expects two arguments. The second argument will be a sequence xs with elements of some type t, for example numbers. The first argument will be a function p that itself expects arguments of type t and returns 'true or 'false. What filter should return is a sequence that contains exactly those members of xs for which p returned 'true.

      filter (p, xs) = case xs of
                         [] then [];
                         x' & xs' when p x' then x' & filter (p, xs');
                         _  & xs'           then      filter (p, xs')
    in filter

    The above solution uses pattern guards.

  8. Write a function partition that expects two arguments, in the same form as filter, but this time evaluates to a pair of results. It works like this:

    partition (odd?, [11, 12, 13, 14])  # evaluates to ([11, 13], [12, 14])
    partition (odd?, [11])              # evaluates to ([11], [])
    partition (odd?, [12, 14])          # evaluates to ([], [12, 14])

      partition (p, xs) = case xs of
                            []       then ([], []);
                            x' & xs' then let
                                            (ys, zs) match partition (p, xs')
                                          in if p x' then (x' & ys, zs) else (ys, x' & zs)
    in partition
  9. Write a function double that expects one argument which is a sequence of numbers, and returns a sequence of the same length with the corresponding elements each being twice the value of the original element.

      double xs = case xs of
                    []       then [];
                    x' & xs' then (2*x') & double xs'
    in double
  10. Write a function map that generalizes double. This function expects a pair of arguments, the second being a sequence xs with elements of some type t, for example numbers. The first argument will be a function f that itself expects arguments of type t and returns some type t' of result. What map should return is a sequence of the results, in the same order as the corresponding original elements. The result should be that we could say:

      map match lambda (f, xs). case xs of
                                  []       then [];
                                  x' & xs' then (f x') & map (f, xs')
      double match lambda xs. map ((lambda x. 2*x), xs)
    in ...
  11. Write a function map2 that generalizes map. This function expects a triple of arguments: the first being a function f as for map, and the second and third being two sequences. In this case f is a function that expects two arguments, one from the first of the sequences and the other from the corresponding position in the other sequence. The result should behave like this:

    map2 ((lambda (x,y). 10*x + y), [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])  # evaluates to [14, 25, 36]

      map2 (f, xs, ys) = case (xs, ys) of
                           ([], _)              then [];
                           (_, [])              then [];
                           (x' & xs', y' & ys') then (f x' y') & map2 (f, xs', ys')
    in map2

Extra credit problems

  • In class I mentioned a function && which occupied the position between its arguments, rather than coming before them (this is called an "infix" function). The way that it works is that [1, 2, 3] && [4, 5] evaluates to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Define this function, making use of letrec and the simpler infix operation &.

      xs && ys = case xs of
                   []       then ys;
                   x' & xs' then x' & (xs' && ys)
    in (&&)

    This solution is using a variation of the shorthand explained here. We didn't expect you'd know how to deal with the special syntax of &&. You might have just defined this using a regular name, like append.

  • Write a function unmap2 that is something like the inverse of map2. This function expects two arguments, the second being a sequence of elements of some type t. The first is a function g that expects a single argument of type t and returns a pair of results, rather than just one result. We want to collate these results, the first into one sequence, and the second into a different sequence. Then unmap2 should return those two sequences. Thus if:

    g z1  # evaluates to (x1, y1)
    g z2  # evaluates to (x2, y2)
    g z3  # evaluates to (x3, y3)

    Then unmap2 (g, [z1, z2, z3]) should evaluate to ([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3]).

      unmap2 (g, zs) = case zs of
                         []       then ([], []);
                         z' & zs' then let
                                         (x, y)   match g z';
                                         (xs, ys) match unmap2 (g, zs')
                                       in (x & xs, y & ys)
    in unmap2
  • Write a function takewhile that expects a p argument like filter, and also a sequence. The result should behave like this:

    takewhile ((lambda x. x < 10), [1, 2, 20, 4, 40]) # evaluates to [1, 2]

    Note that we stop "taking" once we reach 20, even though there are still later elements in the sequence that are less than 10.

      takewhile (p, xs) = case xs of
                            []       then [];
                            x' & xs' then if p x' then x' & takewhile (p, xs')
                                                  else []
    in takewhile
  • Write a function dropwhile that expects a p argument like filter, and also a sequence. The result should behave like this:

    dropwhile ((lambda x. x < 10), [1, 2, 20, 4, 40]) # evaluates to [20, 4, 40]

    Note that we stop "dropping" once we reach 20, even though there are still later elements in the sequence that are less than 10.

      dropwhile (p, xs) = case xs of
                            x' & xs' when p x' then dropwhile (p, xs');
                            _ & _              then xs;
                            []                 then []
    in dropwhile

    Unlike the previous solution, this one uses pattern guards, merely for variety. (In this solution the last two case clauses could also be replaced by the single clause _ then xs.)

  • Write a function reverse that returns the reverse of a sequence. Thus, reverse [1, 2, 3, 4] should evaluate to [4, 3, 2, 1].

      aux (ys, xs) = case xs of
                       []       then ys;
                       x' & xs' then aux (x' & ys, xs')
      reverse xs = aux ([], xs)
    in reverse